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Confirmed date for Interview Invites/Interview Dates 2014

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Hey Everyone. I took the time to ask the admissions office this question for you.

You will get your emails January 31st this year.


Best of luck




Edit: To answer some of the other questions which have been listed below:

1. Interview dates: Fed 26, March 1, 4, 19, 21, 25, 27, 29, 31 *Aboriginal Interviews will be held on the 21st and 31st - other interviews will also be held on these days

2. Can you switch dates? Rarely. It is possible, but you need to prove why you can't make it (family emergency, another interview, OOP and travel associated complication, defending a thesis <-- I never cleared all these by them, but I got the feeling like this is what they are looking for, and they can't promise that they can accommodate. In addition, they do not schedule their interviews with other schools )


Hope this helps guys! Good luck in two weeks!

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Thank you Going Plaid

Can't say I'd be overly happy with the mid week dates, although a couple fall during my reading week so that's a plus.



Completely forgot we had a reading week haha. I am a bit concerned how many schools seem to be holding the interviews on March 22/23, hope it doesn't lead to too many conflicts for people.

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Completely forgot we had a reading week haha. I am a bit concerned how many schools seem to be holding the interviews on March 22/23, hope it doesn't lead to too many conflicts for people.


Our reading week helps out a bit. Although 22,23 and 29,30 are both very busy weekends interview wise.

At least you get your UofT interview out of the way early!

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No problem everyone. Glad I can help.


A note on the mid-week interviews. This interview is much more important than whatever classes you have that day. I had to fly to my interview last year from Atlantic Canada and ended up missing three days of classes..... it was worth it.


Don't get me wrong, I understand it would be optimal to have it on the weekend, but having one at all, is better than nothing.


Best of luck again.


Hope to see you in Feb/March!



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What happens if we two interviews from two different schools on the same day? Is this a good enough reason to change your interview?


If I am not mistaken, this is a situation whereby you can message Ottawa and explain your predicament. If you have multiple interviews (even if you have one, or none) you are a great applicant and they want the opportunity to see if you are the right fit. I would assume, the earlier the better! And we have one other thing to consider.... the other school. It could very well be that the other school is more relaxed with their interview process and willing to swap you around to accommodate your request.


All I know for Ottawa's sake: It can be done (doesn't mean it will be done). You need to provide proof, and you should act early.

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