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DO schools

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I am strongly interested in DO schools in US. I have 2 major questions:


1) Can you tell me if I can come back to Canada after and apply for a residence with the same rights as canadian MD's owners for EVERY provinces ?


I asked to the college of physicians and they said that when you come back from US OR France, you have the same rights to apply for a residence as for canadians; but she did not specify MD or DO.


2) Do you think it's 100% sure that I can come back from US with a DO degree and do a family medicine residency ?


Thank you,



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I am strongly interested in DO schools in US. I have 2 major questions:


1) Can you tell me if I can come back to Canada after and apply for a residence with the same rights as canadian MD's owners for EVERY provinces ?


I asked to the college of physicians and they said that when you come back from US OR France, you have the same rights to apply for a residence as for canadians; but she did not specify MD or DO.


ont (largest match), bc (largest match), quebec are considered CMG

Manitoba and alberta is IMG

pei, nova, and new b you dont exist



2) Do you think it's 100% sure that I can come back from US with a DO degree and do a family medicine residency ?


the only way to be 100% sure of comming back to canada is doing medical school in canada



Thank you,


seems like ur 100% dead set into canada, if thats the case i would not leave canada- theres no degree that will confirm a stay in canada. If your ok with USA, DO is the best bet after MD, then IMG





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If you go to the US you should be willing to do residency there. The advantage of the US is that you have a good shot of getting a residency not necessarily a Canadian one (as opposed to quite possibly no residency anywhere if you are IMG).


Canada is not the be all and end all. There is a big world out there beyond our borders.

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