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Ok to use same study materials again?


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Hi there. I am going to write the MCAT again this summer, and that means doing a bunch of practice passages to boost my verbal reasoning skills. It is odd, since I ended up with a sub-par VR score on my last MCAT even though I burned through the entire EK 101 passages book, most of the kaplan passages and all AAMC practice exams. I once read that it isn't a good idea to use the same study material when doing the MCAT a second time; in my case this is nearly impossible for VR preparation.

Is it really considered ineffective if I use the same passages to study for VR? Besides the BR VR book, I dont know of any VR practice that is known to be of quality.



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I found the AAMC, EK 101, Kaplan, TPR Hyper learning all excellent. If you need to do more than that you are overkilling it. There's also no way you can remember the answers so try recycling. Set a timer for 8 minutes and do one passage every few days for the first little while to get used to it. Go through the answers and pay attention to how the questions are structured. After a little while you'll notice trends and get more confident with them.


Good luck!

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