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Confirm Admission Stuff Pls!

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Can someone confirm for me that McMaster does NOT drop any courses (i.e. worst 30 credits or something)? Or, if someone has two Bachelor degrees, do they for sure take both, or are they like McGill and take only the most recent? I just calculated my GPA with every course I took over both degrees and am coming out at a 3.46. I am currently a MSc student, have a BA and a BSc. 10 on VR. My BSc was a 4.0 across the board, BA was pretty rough.


Thanks for your help!

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Mac takes into account every course. So your cGPA will consist of both your undergrad degrees.


"An overall simple average will be calculated using the grades from all undergraduate degree level courses ever taken (with the exception of credits taken on exchange outside of Canada/USA). Work of different years is treated equally."

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I don't see Mac list anything about references on their website - but I received an email from an admissions officer saying that because I am a grad student, my grad supervisor needs to provide a letter saying he knows that I am applying to the program. Are there other components to the application (like general references) that are not listed on their site I should know about?

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