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Radiology matching and satellite medical school sites

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I am applying to medical school this year, and I am wondering if any radiology residents could kindly comment on the potential pros and cons of choosing a satellite medical school site if I am aiming at matching into diagnostic radiology.


I know, as a premed, the interests on a particular specialty without the actual exposure to multiple medical fields in medical school can be premature. I also hope this post does not offend anyone from a particular school or campus. If my post sounds naive or offending, that is probably because I am lacking critical information, which is why I am writing this post.


I am applying to UBC, Saskatchewan and Western this year; all of them have satellite sites. It seems at least for now, I do not need to worry about site selection for Saskatchewan and Western, but UBC asks about the rural site (NMP) interests in the application. It will certainly improve my chances if I am open to all sites, but I do not want to apply to a site that I know I will not attend, because it probably looks pretty bad if I end up declining that site and hurts my chance if I have to re-apply.


As a first-generation immigrant, I am willing to go to any site across Canada, should I be fortunate enough to receive an acceptance, but I am concerned if going to a satellite site could potentially reduce the likelihood to match into radiology. I understand all medical school sites across the country can prepare a student sufficiently for CaRMS. But from what I have read on this forum, research and connection are important factors when matching to radiology, and many satellite sites probably do not have the research facility or opportunities. The chances to connect with radiology faculty members are probably also greatly reduced at satellite sites.


I also have a question about USask radiology program. Again, I do not intend to offend anyone, but I am not quite familiar with USask, and I am not sure if the program is strong enough to provide ample research opportunities. In a theoretical situation, if, say, I need to choose from a satellite site of UBC (SMP, IMP, or NMP) and USask Saskatoon campus, will it make a difference for radiology matching?


This website has been incredibly helpful on my journey to medicine, and I appreciate any comments. Thanks!

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If at a satellite site, would you be able to travel to the main site for the summer to do research?

USask should be perfectly fine - their students have won best scientific exhibit at the CAR meeting more than once.


Thanks for the reply, Lactic Folly!


If a satellite site is my only offer, I think I will try to get to the main campus to conduct summer research. How about research opportunities during the academic year? Would it be realistic to have time to do research during academic year at all, for the pre-clerkship years?


Also thanks for the info on USask at CAR meeting. I found a report comparing the number of abstracts/publications presented at CAR from various schools, and found USask was very high in the list :)

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I'm a U of S student at the Regina site. The medical student society exec have been working hard over the past year to increase research opportunities in Regina. For radiology in particular:


- smaller site --> more 1 on 1 time with radiologists --> more opportunities to network and jump aboard research projects

- many radiologists excited to have students let them shadow

- less competition for projects

- the health region has a research support department that is extremely helpful for student research projects


Feel free to send me a PM if you have any more questions. Best of luck in your application!

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Thanks for the information, iostream! It is great to know that student research is highly support in Regina. I will certainly contact you and ask questions if I am lucky enough to get interview invitation from USask this year.



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