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LOW VR but GPA: 3.97/4.00 - any chance?

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Hey guys,


I will be writing the MCAT in August but I'm suspecting an 8/9 on VR - I am IP for McMaster and my cGPA is 3.97/4.00.


I have been told by friends consistently that anything below 9/10 for McMaster = waste of time and I was wondering if this is true. Do I have a shot if I get an 8 or a 9 on VR ?



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not true at all, take a look at the interview invites thread, plenty of kids with 10s and even 9s got an interview


I had a similar gpa to yours and interviewed with a 9 in VR, just do your thing on casper. If that goes well you'll be in good running for an invite



Thank you thank you thank you !


I am studying my butt off, focusing more than 60-70% of my time only on VR but I am still doing very poorly.... it's my one and only chance... if I don't get at least a 9 on VR I have to reconsider my future plans.. I'm an Ontario resident so with a 9 in VR I can apply to McMaster + UofT, (can't apply to ottawa due to low course load) + UBC? with a 10 I can apply to Queens too and that's it..


I'm so confused :confused:

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never hurts to take the DAT, PCAT or OAT right after your mcat since the material overlaps a lot


medicine may be something your fairly passionate about, but I found that keeping an additional health care career open helps you feel more confident and relaxed when thinking about the future because there is always a 'safety net' there.


thats just something to maybe think about to help you become less confused, especially in ontario where you should not bank on one or two schools for an acceptance


good luck :)

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never hurts to take the DAT, PCAT or OAT right after your mcat since the material overlaps a lot


medicine may be something your fairly passionate about, but I found that keeping an additional health care career open helps you feel more confident and relaxed when thinking about the future because there is always a 'safety net' there.


thats just something to maybe think about to help you become less confused, especially in ontario where you should not bank on one or two schools for an acceptance


good luck :)


now that you mentioned it, it was actually in my plan to take the DAT but again I can only apply to UofT (since I don't meet the course load requirements for Western) / or do masters and keep applying to medicine..


sorry for venting here

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If medicine is what you like considering your amazing GPA I do believe you shouldn't give up just because your verbal score is low. Even if you don't get a good score you can put everything aside and study just for verbal and reapply again. Let me tell you I am in the same position as you. 4.0 GPA but my verbal is in 9 range. I DO believe one 60 min exam shouldn't let us give up our dreams. Best of luck

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If medicine is what you like considering your amazing GPA I do believe you shouldn't give up just because your verbal score is low. Even if you don't get a good score you can put everything aside and study just for verbal and reapply again. Let me tell you I am in the same position as you. 4.0 GPA but my verbal is in 9 range. I DO believe one 60 min exam shouldn't let us give up our dreams. Best of luck


Thank you !! The reason that I am panicking is that I have another month or so to study for the MCAT and I don't know how much I could bring up my VR in such short period of time. If I fail, I have to write the new MCAT the next summer - this really worries me !!

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