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Easier to come back to Canada from USA than another country?

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I assume that you mean come back for residency since you specify after medical school.


I am not the most informed person about this, but from what I've been told, American MD graduates are included in CaRMS just as if they graduate from a Canadian medical school. For that reason, you can consider a MD program at an accredited school in the US as equivalent to a Canadian medical school.


As for Australia and Ireland (and the Caribbean or elsewhere), you would be classified as a International Medical Graduate (IMG) if you attend medical school in one of these regions and therefore have a lesser chance of matching in CaRMS.


There are many posts about this on the forum. I recommend searching for further input.

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You can look at the statistics in CaRMS. IIRC, about 50% of US graduates match through CaRMS, which is better than any other region. Presumably the majority of the other 50% still match through NRMP.


US MD grads are the same as Canadian grads in CaRMS. The reverse is true for the US match.

This is true, but it should be clarified that ALL MD grads are the same as US grads in the US match. There is no discrimination, at least not on paper.

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Technically yes it's easier than if you went to an overseas school. That said the match rate for US grads applying to CaRMS (typically 60-70% based on stats on the CaRMS website) is far less than it is for Canadian grads. I gather that it's because Canadian program directors aren't as familiar with US schools and are less likely to rank a US grad over a Canadian grad. It also doesn't help that US grads generally don't make as many connections in Canadian programs during rotations as the Canadian grads do during med school. if I were you I'd apply to CaRMS & ERAS when the time comes to apply for residency. Good luck

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