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3rd Year Electives

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I have some elective time in my 3rd year and could use some advice. I did a summer elective in ortho in the summer between my 2nd and 3rd year at my home school and am pretty sure that's what I want do going forward. I'm debating whether I should do another elective in ortho at my home school in 4rd year or wait until 4th year. Thoughts?

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Do you think you need more time in ortho to figure out if that's what you want to do? My goal in 3rd year was solidifying which specialty I wanted by Christmas, so I could set up appropriate electives for pre-CaRMS in 4th year. Can you do an elective at your home school in ortho in 3rd and 4th year? It would allow you to make some more connections, and aim to have a reference letter from the 4th year elective.

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