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Comsa Seminars

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In this thread I will post upcoming COMSA seminars.

1. www.studentdo.ca
2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/COMSA/

The next upcoming seminar is:

Where: University  of Waterloo
When: Saturday October 4th 2014 ; 5:00-6:30 PM
Room: Hagley Hall (HH1108)
Who: Anyone who is interested in Osteopathic Medicine in the US. Do not need to be a Waterloo student to attend, all welcome!


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In this thread I will post upcoming COMSA seminars.


1. www.studentdo.ca

2. https://www.facebook.com/groups/COMSA/



The next upcoming seminar is:


Where: University  of Waterloo

When: Saturday October 4th 2014 ; 5:00-6:30 PM

Room: Hagley Hall (HH1108)

Who: Anyone who is interested in Osteopathic Medicine in the US. Do not need to be a Waterloo student to attend, all welcome!




I dont understand the reason for having seminars to introduce DO when they are now considered as IMG. Most Canadians "used" to be interested in DO before it was a best second route to come back to Canada, but now they are considered the same as someone who graduates from ROSS or any international medical school.

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I dont understand the reason for having seminars to introduce DO when they are now considered as IMG. Most Canadians "used" to be interested in DO before it was a best second route to come back to Canada, but now they are considered the same as someone who graduates from ROSS or any international medical school.

A USDO will still have a much better shot at US residencies than a carribean grad.

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for an American citizen absolutely, for a Canadian citizen, not so much

A canadian citizen coming from the carribean, will have an even worse time than a canadian citizen who is a USDO. 


A north american graduate, always wins.


If you feel otherwise, good luck with your endeavours - and don't say no one warned you.

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A canadian citizen coming from the carribean, will have an even worse time than a canadian citizen who is a USDO. 


A north american graduate, always wins.


If you feel otherwise, good luck with your endeavours - and don't say no one warned you.

I'm not interested in DO nor Carib. but thanks for the warning.  

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Well then, this is a pointless thread then isn't it?

not really, some people probably have no interest in coming back to Canada, then this is the proper thread for them. but for people who have interest in coming back to Canada then they should be informed that DO = IMG which means Canada will treat them same as any other IMGs whether from Caribbean or DO. an IMG is an IMG period. 

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not really, some people probably have no interest in coming back to Canada, then this is the proper thread for them. but for people who have interest in coming back to Canada then they should be informed that DO = IMG which means Canada will treat them same as any other IMGs whether from Caribbean or DO. an IMG is an IMG period.


Yes you are right, matching in carms as a DO now will not be as easy as it was before and will be virtually impossible like the rest of the traditional IMGs.


I think most people going DO won't bother with carms at all.

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not really, some people probably have no interest in coming back to Canada, then this is the proper thread for them. but for people who have interest in coming back to Canada then they should be informed that DO = IMG which means Canada will treat them same as any other IMGs whether from Caribbean or DO. an IMG is an IMG period. 


If you actually bothered to go on CaRMs and read the osteopathic eligibility, you'll easily find that it is the PROVINCE OF ONTARIO that will designate USDOs as IMGs in 2016, not CANADA.

If by Canada, you mean the MCC - then yes, this organization has always considered USDOs to be IMGs. The PROVINCE OF ONTARIO will adopt the MCC definition of an IMG to include USDOs.

Still "first iteration" in BC, same iteration as CMGs, IMGs in Quebec.

IMGs in Manitoba, Alberta, and soon - Ontario.

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I dont understand the reason for having seminars to introduce DO when they are now considered as IMG. Most Canadians "used" to be interested in DO before it was a best second route to come back to Canada, but now they are considered the same as someone who graduates from ROSS or any international medical school.


USDO was always the option if you first and foremost didn't mind staying in the US. I matched back to Canada as a DO because I had an intimate knowledge of the Canadian matching system, and I used that to my advantage. For the average Joe, it was already pretty hard to match back to Canada for anything. If you go to a USDO school, you shouldn't expect to match back into Canada for anything - this was implicitly implied one way or another throughout the whole process. Your best chance was always to match in the US, then make the arrangements to practice in Canada after US certification.


The Caribbean grads of the future will be simply.. be "screwed" in light of the rapid expansion of US medical schools (MDs/ DOs), along with the DO and MD residency merger. There's even talk amongst the DO world of introducing Canadian style parallel matching system of separating the IMG from the AMG match if you follow these things. I know this because the Canadians who are DOs were extremely upset about the whole Ontario fiasco, and complained to the AOA.

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USDO was always the option if you first and foremost didn't mind staying in the US. I matched back to Canada as a DO because I had an intimate knowledge of the Canadian matching system, and I used that to my advantage. For the average Joe, it was already pretty hard to match back to Canada for anything. If you go to a USDO school, you shouldn't expect to match back into Canada for anything - this was implicitly implied one way or another throughout the whole process. Your best chance was always to match in the US, then make the arrangements to practice in Canada after US certification.


The Caribbean grads of the future will be simply.. be "screwed" in light of the rapid expansion of US medical schools (MDs/ DOs), along with the DO and MD residency merger. There's even talk amongst the DO world of introducing Canadian style parallel matching system of separating the IMG from the AMG match if you follow these things. I know this because the Canadians who are DOs were extremely upset about the whole Ontario fiasco, and complained to the AOA.

This may make me sound like Im a proponent for Caribbean schools, but I don't see the logic behind the idea that Caribbean IMGs will be "screwed" its true that American graduate schools are expanding their seats, but the merger would benefit everyone and will open up more seats for everyone, so that would benefit Caribbean graduates as well.

again my argument is not to defend Caribbean graduates but rather I have an issue with the fact that most Canadians are under the impression that DO is a better route to come back to Canada. that is no longer the option since in the eyes of Canadian system everyone coming from anywhere EXCEPT US MDs are considered IMG. so going DO or Carib will be no different FOR the people who truly want to come back to Canada. but then again thats their own fault for not doing their homework, just like you said not everyone has the knowledge of the canadian matching system

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This may make me sound like Im a proponent for Caribbean schools, but I don't see the logic behind the idea that Caribbean IMGs will be "screwed" its true that American graduate schools are expanding their seats, but the merger would benefit everyone and will open up more seats for everyone, so that would benefit Caribbean graduates as well.

again my argument is not to defend Caribbean graduates but rather I have an issue with the fact that most Canadians are under the impression that DO is a better route to come back to Canada. that is no longer the option since in the eyes of Canadian system everyone coming from anywhere EXCEPT US MDs are considered IMG. so going DO or Carib will be no different FOR the people who truly want to come back to Canada. but then again thats their own fault for not doing their homework, just like you said not everyone has the knowledge of the canadian matching system

Johni, any chance you go to SFU? I met a guy momentarily by the same name at a COMSA seminar at SFU, who had similiar sentiments



Again, US graduates MD AND DO, are favoured over IMGS for the US match. Period. If you think otherwise, again, do some reading.

Yes, you are right, that being a USDO grad or any other IMG for the Canadian match, is no advantage. They all are screwed.



But if your options are USDO or Carribean, and you want to be a DOCTOR- well, a USDO is infinitely better, as you will not have a good shot at the Canadian match anyways - and as said above, the USDO wins in the US match.


SO what part didn't you get?

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. so going DO or Carib will be no different FOR the people who truly want to come back to Canada. but then again thats their own fault for not doing their homework, just like you said not everyone has the knowledge of the canadian matching system

Except for the part that, if you just want to make sure you are an actual practicing DOCTOR, which requires getting a residency, a USDO has a much higher chance of getting a residency than a carrib grad. Because of the fact that you have the innate advantage in the US residency system. 


The chances of any IMG(carrib, ireland, DO etc) is so low for CARMS, so you shouldn't even bother factoring that into your calculations. Just think of it as a "bonus" - do the required steps and apply to CARMS, and play the lottery for a shot at a Canadian residency. But make sure your main eggs are aimed at the US ERAS match, which if you are thinking ahead - a US MD or US DO  >>>> All the IMGs.

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for an American citizen absolutely, for a Canadian citizen, not so much

Again you are terrible informed. US residency match, aside from visa purposes - you will have far better connections for clinicals, and having attended a US based school >> foreign schools. Sure the carribs get their clinicals in the US, but they are generally scattered over the place, and not necessarily at the best locations. 


Do your research, and you will arrive at the same conclusions. 



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Johni, any chance you go to SFU? I met a guy momentarily by the same name at a COMSA seminar at SFU, who had similiar sentiments



Again, US graduates MD AND DO, are favoured over IMGS for the US match. Period. If you think otherwise, again, do some reading.

Yes, you are right, that being a USDO grad or any other IMG for the Canadian match, is no advantage. They all are screwed.



But if your options are USDO or Carribean, and you want to be a DOCTOR- well, a USDO is infinitely better, as you will not have a good shot at the Canadian match anyways - and as said above, the USDO wins in the US match.


SO what part didn't you get?

lol I guess there is a misunderstanding here, again read through what I wrote. My argument is NOT DO or IMG, rather my argument is IF someone truly WANTS to come back to Canada neither path are good. meaning they are BOTH the same. but for someone who doesn't care to practice in USA then DO>IMG
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lol I guess there is a misunderstanding here, again read through what I wrote. My argument is NOT DO or IMG, rather my argument is IF someone truly WANTS to come back to Canada neither path are good. meaning they are BOTH the same. but for someone who doesn't care to practice in USA then DO>IMG

Yes I now see what you intended to mean.


I agree 100%. 


But IF you DO leave Canada, you should pick USDO>IMG.  And once you complete a US residency, you can look at options to then come back and practice in Canada. Generally it is fairly straight forward depending on the type of residency and years of training etc.

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us do >>> islands

simple as that


from PDs..., as a canadian DO we are pretty much treated as AMG...h1b, you kinda have to fight for...


going IMG...your treated as IMG ANDDDDD and IMG that needs a visa


dont forget the IMG population is loaded with green card americans...the cnadian population is actually REALLY small!!


80% match for DO, less than 50% match for IMG non green card

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if you dont go top 3, your chances probably drop even lower to 10-20%


going IMG, they will also f#$! over...ive seen many many many people take 1-2-3 years for USMLE sets extra on top of the time. bc the school wont let you pass


in 5 years...the IMG route will be over with


15 nw DO schools set to start...you do the math...15 new schools and campuses (and MD) X 200 kids = IMG spots gone 

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This may make me sound like Im a proponent for Caribbean schools, but I don't see the logic behind the idea that Caribbean IMGs will be "screwed" its true that American graduate schools are expanding their seats, but the merger would benefit everyone and will open up more seats for everyone, so that would benefit Caribbean graduates as well.

again my argument is not to defend Caribbean graduates but rather I have an issue with the fact that most Canadians are under the impression that DO is a better route to come back to Canada. that is no longer the option since in the eyes of Canadian system everyone coming from anywhere EXCEPT US MDs are considered IMG. so going DO or Carib will be no different FOR the people who truly want to come back to Canada. but then again thats their own fault for not doing their homework, just like you said not everyone has the knowledge of the canadian matching system

that merger IS NOT GOING TO benefit any IMG, esp canadian, those AOA hospital have very poor visa programs and will not sponsor you, in addition, heavy DO programs wont will not take MDS...so IMG again


similar to MDs heavy programs not take DO



..you might say..well there will be an influx of MDs to DO programs, not true..majority of these programs are PCP and in the middle of nowhere rural locations and will have a VERY hard time attracting DOs let alone MDs, alote of these posts have gone unmatched for several years...


so as an IMG...as an MD there are NO new spots open


the merger is a HUGEE advantage for DOs...not MDs

the MDs are setting up the merger in order to have a unified system to press congress for more residency spots,....this can only be accomplishd in 2 way

a. unified system

b. crowd out IMG spots, so new spots will be greated in the future (this is why you are seeing DO schools grow AT A FASTER rate than IMG)



they trying to push for more speciality spots...and congress refuses to budge unless AMG can fill up the remaining spots

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