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Unmatched Ccfp-Em Spots?


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I was just reading through the statistics portion of CaRMS and I came across this PDF:



Am I reading it incorrectly or does it show that there were 14 (!!) vacant positions across Canada for the ever coveted CCFP-EM spots? Any ideas as to why so many spots would be unfilled when there's quite a high demand? I'll be applying for a spot next year and I don't want to get my hopes up...



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Yea, it's the usual combination of people not ranking widely and the programs not ranking many applicants.  


At least in Ontario, they do an unofficial application process to fill the final spots. I think it was between people that had already applied, but if I remember correctly they accepted any application at that point. Some actually did some more interviews. This is anecdotal as I was doing residency at the time and the PD just told me the process...

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It is also not unheard of for programs to choose to not fill seats or to only rank a very small number of applicants knowing they will almost certainly have spots left over as they have not ranked broadly enough on purpose. Often when a program which is historically competitive and has filled their spots suddenly goes unfilled this is what I suspect has happened. I have been told this is done for a whole bunch of reasons which I'm not going to elaborate on. These "spots" will appear unmatched, but this can be misleading as there were never really any spot available to start with, it only existed on paper and in funding. One of the murky areas of CaRMS stats...

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3 out of 7 spots unfilled in Alberta... I'm pretty sure that all the three spots are unofficially filled in the end (aka not through CaRMS as there is no 2nd iteration), provided that the Program doesn`t deliberately leave vacancies (as rogerroger mentioned)

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I think it was between people that had already applied, but if I remember correctly they accepted any application at that point.

Just wondering if they send an email internally to all the FM R2s of their university (or even the whole province): open recruitment like the adds on CMAJ

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