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Medical-Doctoral Standard

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Hi everyone,

I'm writing to hopefully read about the experiences of others who attend a non-MD granting institution, and would like to apply to Calgary in the near future. I've spoken with the admissions office and they have answered some of my questions, but I'm wondering if any of you are having difficulty finding course equivalencies at MD-PhD schools. Do you find that schools are helpful in determining whether a course is transferable, even though you are not applying to the school? If not, what have you done?


Some random information from Calgary admissions that some may find helpful:

-The courses don't need to be an exact equivalent, but the MD-PhD granting school must accept it as credit.

-The MD-PhD school does not need to be Canadian. 

-Bigger schools tend not to have any problems with the transfer of credits, the policy is aimed primarily at small colleges, private institutions etc.


Also, in terms of Ontario schools, I found the credit transfer guide/program online to be absolutely useless. When I entered my courses from last year, none of them were transferable to any university which granted medical degrees. When I searched individually, the majority had an exact equivalent at an MD-PhD granting university, or something reasonably similar. There are some that don't seem to have an equivalent unfortunately, usually the more interesting ones..but don't be discouraged if you have used an online guide without checking each school individually. I don't think the online guides are very useful.




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I am currently going to a non medical doctoral program and I've been able to find out if all my courses are transferable via the BC transfer guide. There are some exceptions that aren't on the guide though, so sometimes you have to do some research.

When I first read this rule I was very concerned. But I'm glad you can do the courses if they transfer over to a MD-doctoral school :)

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