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Do School Or International To Come Back To Canada


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I have several questions related to DO and international school to practice in Canada:


1) What is better between an international and a DO school if i want to practice medicine in Canada?


2) after dong a DO school in USA, is it possible to do my residency in Canada? And if so, can I do it in every specialities?


3) If I do a DO school + the residency in USA, can I come back to practice medicine in Canada after?


4) do they accept prerequisites done at the cegep for DO schools?


5) What kind of gpa do you need to be accepted in a DO school?


6) is it possible to do some prerequisite courses during the year of application? Or it HAS to be DONE before you apply in june?


Thank you!

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I have several questions related to DO and international school to practice in Canada:


1) What is better between an international and a DO school if i want to practice medicine in Canada?


2) after dong a DO school in USA, is it possible to do my residency in Canada? And if so, can I do it in every specialities?


3) If I do a DO school + the residency in USA, can I come back to practice medicine in Canada after?


4) do they accept prerequisites done at the cegep for DO schools?


5) What kind of gpa do you need to be accepted in a DO school?


Thank you!

To answer 2) As a DO, you are no different than other IMGs for matching in CARMS - DO's are now IMG's in their eyes. So unlikely to get a residency in Canada.


3) Yes, depending on the residency.


5) A competitive GPA, with more people learning about DO schools the stats have risen alot. To be competitive with multiple interviews, i would say 3.5/29+. It all depends on your ECs and writing ability as well.  In general, the higher the better - or you have to have other things to make it up to impress and stand out.

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Anyways, imagine being currently enrolled at a DO school.....ouch

USDO was always the option if you first and foremost didn't mind staying in the US. I matched back to Canada as a DO because I had an intimate knowledge of the Canadian matching system, and I used that to my advantage. For the average Joe, it was already pretty hard to match back to Canada for anything. If you go to a USDO school, you shouldn't expect to match back into Canada for anything - this was implicitly implied one way or another throughout the whole process. Your best chance was always to match in the US, then make the arrangements to practice in Canada after US certification.


As for the US MD being your "only best option" to coming back to Canada - if you look at the statistics, the success rate is ~65%. I'd hardly call that your "best option". Some Irish schools even seems to have better IMG match rates back to Canada than the US.


As for "Ouch", I'd disagree. You are still an AMG, MD/DO residencies are merging. There's even talk of introducing a Canadian style double tiered AMG// IMG stream matches with preference for AMGs - the same BS that Canada has been doing for years.


I'd hardly say that the current students at USDO schools are experiencing an "ouch". Also, if you look at previous CaRMs match rates for USDOs - the vast vast majoriy matched in FM, and basically no other specialty. Take from it what you will, I don't think USDOs lost that much with Ontario ch anging its policy.

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yup, that would suck for them. I "was" planning to apply to DO as well as MD but not anymore

If your sole aim is to get a Canadian residency, then you should get into a Canadian MD school, or maybe a USMD school(but you're still not as well off as a Canadian MD grad, due to subjective biases, and lack of Canadian clinicals exposures.



If your sole aim is to be a practicing physician, then a USDO or USMD will get a you a US residency, which then depending on the training requirments and equivilancies, you can hop back over the border and practice in Canada.

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If your sole aim is to get a Canadian residency, then you should get into a Canadian MD school, or maybe a USMD school(but you're still not as well off as a Canadian MD grad, due to subjective biases, and lack of Canadian clinicals exposures.



If your sole aim is to be a practicing physician, then a USDO or USMD will get a you a US residency, which then depending on the training requirments and equivilancies, you can hop back over the border and practice in Canada.

YES! you finally understood my argument lol
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YES! you finally understood my argument lol

Haha fair enough. But the whole point of the rest of my points was, to make it clear that once you leave Canada, trying to get a Canadian residency is extremely difficult. 


Hence, why you should maximize your options for the US match - in which case a USMD/DO >>> IMG's.


The fatal flaw in your argument is that it is logical to try and focus on CARMS as your priority, as an IMG. Which is a bad way to think, because then you end up with a 4 year degree, 300k in debt and no way to be a practicing physician.

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