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Current Student Willing To Look Over Top 10's!

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Hi all, I used this forum a LOT while I applied but never created an account or gave back to the community. I feel as though I know what I am doing in the Calgary app, as I scored 85th percentile on the top 10's my first time around, and was accepted on my second application. I commute to class ~40 mins everyday with nothing to do, so I am hoping to look them over during that time! If anyone would like any help/critiques/suggestions just send me a PM and I will help in any way I can :)

EDIT: Wow, I already have 7-8 to check over I will update this when I am done with those

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Pleading ignorance: what are Top 10s?

It's part of the UofC application that includes your extracurricular activities - the top 10 activities that have played a major role in who you are. Look at the manual as it will give you a better description.


And for those messaging me re: top 10 or any other application related questions, I'll try to get back to you ASAP. At this point, I can no longer accept anymore top 10s for review as there are at least 7 or more of you asking for feedback. I can look at one impact statement for anyone else who wants feedback, but that's it. Sorry, but I have classes too and the deadline for med apps is in a couple weeks and I won't be able to look at anyone else's requests before than. If I said yes to you already, I will still review your top 10.

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As per previous post, I have received quite a few top 10s to review. Some are excellent, and some can be improved on (I'm saying that nicely). I am going to give advice based on what I've read so far. I do not score applications and this is based only on my app experience, so take my advice with a grain of salt.


For one, a lot of you have been describing the activity too much in the impact statement. The purpose of the description box on the online application is so that you can describe the activity and the role that you had in that activity. The impact statement should only include the actual impact that the activity has had on you. If you don't know what an impact statement is by now, I suggest you get crackin' 'cause apps are due soon. I advise you to look up impact statements on Google because there are tons of examples.


I have also seen some very unique entries. This is an extreme example, but do not write a poem to get your point across. You have to remember that this section of the application is marked subjectively. It's awesome that your creative, but it's only going to be detrimental to your score. You don't want someone who doesn't understand your poem to be marking it.


I also need to add that I cannot send my top 10 to you for many different reasons, so please do not ask me. Also, a reminder that I cannot read anymore top 10 entries for review. I have read most of the 13 that have asked, and I can not possibly review anymore before deadline. Sorry.

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but do not write a poem to get your point across.


Roses are Red, Violets are Blue

You Should let me In Med

Or I'll Pee in My Bed



Yeah... I'm not too good at poems  :P Seriously people, don't write a poem as your impact statement lol.

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