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Chem courses at UofT

Guest mficocel

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Guest mficocel



This is for anyone out there who did there pre-reqs at UofT and is attending (or planning to attend) a US medical school. I need to go back and take a couple of pre-reqs and I was wondering which chem courses offered at UofT would meet the chem requirment at most US schools. I've noticed at most schools you can just take chem I and chem II, but at UofT they're not labeled like this. Also, does it matter if a course has 2hr lectures and 4hr lab, because it seems at UofT a few courses are like this and I'm wondering if a course like this meets requirments. It seems that I've seen a few school that require a certain number (3hr) of lecture and labs per week (since they go on a credit hour system in the states, so I'm not sure how courses here convert). Thanks for the help.



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Hi there,


I'm at UTSC and we have a Chem 1 & 2 type system here.. maybe you should look into that? I've had no problems meeting the requirements so far...



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Guest mficocel

Hey Madz,


I just checked out the UTSC website and the chem courses seem a little more what I expected from intro. chem. I just have a couple of questions (mostly regarding schedule).

How is the course structured, is there a lab every week or every other week? Also are lectures given on multiple days like most courses (i.e. 3 hrs of lecture include 1 hr on 3 sperate days). Are classes at UTSC usually full, I'm a non-degree seeking student and they only let me sign up once degree students have had a shot at signing up.

Thanks for your help,



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Labs are every other week. In addition, there is a tutorial every other week as well. So you have an alternating schedule of lab one week and tutorial the following week.


Lectures are 3hrs/week but broken up into 1hr over 3 days (Mon, Wed, Fri).


Classes are generally full but UTSC is doing a lot to accomodate students. For instance, the first half of chemistry (CHMA10H3) was offered in the fall and in the winter session. The second half (CHMA11H3) is offered in the winter session and in the summer session. If there is no space in the lectures but still some spaces available in the labs, the professors will usually sign you in.


Hope this helps.



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I am in a similar predicament.


I took CHM 138 and CHM139 at St. George campus during first year. I took CHM 247 the following year. I fulfill the organic chem w/lab requirement of U.S. schools, but I do not fulfill the physical chem, as I only have one-half physical chem with lab. I am contemplating taking the CHMA11H3 offered at UTSC. However, when I looked them up, they exclusions to both CHMA11H3 and CHMA10H3 are CHM139, which is absolutely ridiculous!!! St. George only offers half a year of chemistry, how can they be exclusions for both? I really want to take CHMA11H3 in the summer, and I don't think I'll really get caught even if I do enroll, cause I really want to meet the U.S. requirements, but I'm also afraid that what if ROSI figures it out once I've completed the course and gives me no credit for it?


Is anyone facing the same problem as me? How did you guys get around it?

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The professors do go through the class list and kick out students that don't have prereqs or if they have exclusions.


There are no other inorganic/physical chem courses at St. George? I find it hard to believe that there is only one.


I'd recommend contacting the head of the chem department at St. George first to find a solution, and then contact UTSC.



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Guest xylem33

For the majority of life sci programs - it's simply chm138, chm139, chm247, and chm220...


here's the problem - chm220, which is our phys chem II doesn't have a lab component. and the other phys chem courses that do have labs or for chem majors...so what can we do?

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EXACTLY my point!


What the heck are we supposed to do? And why should we be forced to take chemistry courses that are meant for Chem majors and are of course, much harder! It makes me so angry that what we're taught at St. George in ONE semester, is streched out at Scarborough in TWO semesters, and they get two whole credits for it. Why else are our courses exclusions to all their first year chem courses?

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Your 1st year chem course probably contains some material from both halves of the course...doesn't necessarily mean you cover everything that UTSC covers over 2 semesters.

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  • 4 weeks later...



(first time poster)


I'm in the exact same situation: I need a half course inorganic with lab required...no courses (except specialist chem courses) offered at uoft St.george!!! Does anyone have a solution? I want to get it over with over the summer...


I've been looking at summer inorganic chem courses offered at other places but as mentioned, UTSC and UTM offered courses that we have exclusions for so we can't take them. I'm thinking of ryerson or york, but the only summer chem courses they offer are introductory, so wouldn't that be an exclusion also?!


argg...also I went to the undergrad head of the chem dept and he said that he knows of this problem but I would have to find my own solution...then i asked him what other students may have done, and he doesn't know! What help UofT undergrad admin is!!


anyways, just wondering if ANYONE in this situation (or was in the past) has ANY solution! It would be GREATLY appreciated!!!

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Guest zipzappy

How about ryerson?


I believe CHEM 106 and 113 lab (check the #s) would satisfy Gen Chem 1 requriements and CHEM 103 the Gen Chem 2. Also, CHEM 143/ 143 and 242 I believe would satisfy the Orgo Chem requirements. Let me know if you find out any more info about these.





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  • 7 months later...


(first time poster)


I'm in the exact same situation: I need a half course inorganic with lab required...no courses (except specialist chem courses) offered at uoft St.george!!! Does anyone have a solution? I want to get it over with over the summer...


I've been looking at summer inorganic chem courses offered at other places but as mentioned, UTSC and UTM offered courses that we have exclusions for so we can't take them. I'm thinking of ryerson or york, but the only summer chem courses they offer are introductory, so wouldn't that be an exclusion also?!


argg...also I went to the undergrad head of the chem dept and he said that he knows of this problem but I would have to find my own solution...then i asked him what other students may have done, and he doesn't know! What help UofT undergrad admin is!!


anyways, just wondering if ANYONE in this situation (or was in the past) has ANY solution! It would be GREATLY appreciated!!!



ALL schools dont care about that "extra" half semester of inorganic chemistry LAB. just make sure you have CHM139 + CHM220. A lot of them will let you sub your BCH lab for a chem lab...

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  • 2 months later...
ALL schools dont care about that "extra" half semester of inorganic chemistry LAB. just make sure you have CHM139 + CHM220. A lot of them will let you sub your BCH lab for a chem lab...


hmm bch210/242 don't have labs, so ... would eg. the bio/zoo labs qualify as a sub in this case?

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I don't know if this would be feasable...but UTSC has a full year of chem with lab (also has full year of organic chem w/lab and half semester of biochem lab)...don't know if anybody would be interested in taking that course during the school year or summer...just thought I'd put it out there.


edited to add: LOL i just realized i talked about it in the 2nd post...this was pre-move to the new board so i guess i forgot

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I don't know if this would be feasable...but UTSC has a full year of chem with lab (also has full year of organic chem w/lab and half semester of biochem lab)...don't know if anybody would be interested in taking that course during the school year or summer...just thought I'd put it out there.


edited to add: LOL i just realized i talked about it in the 2nd post...this was pre-move to the new board so i guess i forgot


isn't this like taking the same course all over again? Because most uoft science students have had to take CHM138+139 247+220 as requirements for their program, the only thing is that with this combo we are short of a semester worth of lab hours. :confused:


argghhh this is really becoming an issue and I wonder how other people solved it ... I am sure it has arisen dozens of times...

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