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Next year you have to write the new MCAT 2015 (so April-August test dates) to be considered. They are also changing the fact that your courses have to come from an MD/PhD school or they need to be evaluated. Also, the IP definition is going to be more strict. All of these changes have me believing that the number of applications will GREATLY DECREASE from this cycle.Dr. Walker said that there has been an increase in 100 applications every year for the past few years but I think this year will be an outlier in that trend. If my predictions hold true does would this logically increase the chances of an applicant (IP in particular) next cycle? Thoughts? 


In my opinion, they will decrease, but not by much. First off, they are increasing MCAT 2015 spots. Consequently, seats for the new 2015 exam are not a factor. Secondly, the MCAT for Calgary is not really changing. They only look at the CARS section objectively, and the others aren't really a factor unless you score atrociously. Therefore, I don't think Calgary applicants will be deterred by the new exam. The IP def'n will most likely be the largest contributor to the decrease in IP applicants. At the same time, many of these people may still just apply as OOP (with 3.8 and 11 VR min). On the contrary, the MD/PhD def'n is actually meant to INCREASE the number of applicants, as stated explicitly by Dr. Walker. No doubt the IP application numbers will decrease, but not greatly. I would estimate maybe by ~200 applicants, which still makes it extremely competitive considering still over 1000 IP's would be applying for ~150 spots.  


On a side note, competition for medicine is greatly increasing every year because of new people (such as yourself) now being eligible. The majority of the 200 applicant increase each year is due to NEW, younger applicants applying. As a result, this next year at U of C we may see a squeeze out of the old 3-4 time repeat applicants who have decided to throw in the towel. On the other hand, newer and younger applicants, who are willing to write the new 2015 MCAT will be applying. I predict a decrease in average age this upcoming cycle. 


Time will tell, I guess.

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