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Prerequisite courses

Guest 33go

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The prerequisite courses differ from school to school. Almost every school requires a year with lab of physical chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, and bio each. Different schools have different requirements for bio chem, math (up to a year), statistics, english/writing, and social sciences.


The website of each school is probably the best place to get accurate information.

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I'd recommend getting your hands on a copy of the MSAR (Medical School Admission Requirements). You can purchase it online at the AAMC website or on Amazon. The book has info on prereqs, curriculum, deadlines, fees etc. for every medical school in North America.


You can always go to the websites of the schools you are interested in as well...



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Guest viswaka

The following are the usual prerequisites:


Physics (2 courses)

Chemistry (2 courses)

Biology (2 courses)

Organic Chemistry (2 courses)


All of the above with labs


English (2 courses)


Statistics/Biochem/Others : (Varies from school to school)


And ofcourse the MCAT


(2 courses = atleast 6 credits @ 1 course = 3 credit)

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Guest knitwitty

Madz25 is right... if you're planning on applying to US schools, get yourself a copy of the MSAR. It has a 2 page summary of every school, tells you exactly what courses you need, what MCAT they want, what GPA, etc. Most importantly, they list if they accept applications from international students, how many internationals applied, how many they interview and how many are accepted. They also have financial stuff like how much debt their students have when they graduate.


A new copy of MSAR is coming out this spring for those applying this year, so you might want to wait a few more months before buying one. Apparently if you wait a few weeks after it's published, it'll go on sale for about $20 US (on the AAMC website). In the meantime, you can probably find last year's copy at your local library, or through a pre-med society at your school.


Good luck!

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thanks for the advice.


so I will have to take the physics.

athabasca offers physics correspondence courses (with lab components!). would the universities accept this?

(that is my only option, i have an infant to take care of and cannot go to school this year)


if so,

could i take the courses in sept-dec/jan-april term, that is, during application and interview times?


thnxs for further input

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