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Lifestyle Medicine


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Hi everyone,


I was wondering what your thoughts were on practicing lifestyle medicine as a family doctor. Is this something practiced in Canada? Is it not considered a true medical practice? Can you actually make a living off it from existing fee codes or is there no scope? I don't believe there is a college for lifestyle medicine or an equivalent in Canada. Is this stuff touched on in medical schools in Canada? Where would you go to get training?


Here are some links on the subject:

American College of Lifestyle Medicine:http://www.lifestylemedicine.org/


Link to a paper by Dr. Mark Hyman on the subject:https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&ei=kwrEVOWmI8OUNuPYgaAL&url=http://drhyman.com/downloads/Lifestyle-Medicine.pdf&ved=0CB4QFjAB&usg=AFQjCNFh4eYXFObNxJky4Y1_-4KFsQnXQg


Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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Yes, lifestyle modification and preventive medicine are a huge part of family medicine. (Those who have studied for the CFPC exams know this all too well).


There are some fee codes that encourage these types of interventions.

However, if for example you choose to spend an hour counselling someone on their diet, you wont be paid very well for it. Thats what dieticians are for.

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