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Question On Extra-Cirriculars

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I'll be applying for admission in the upcoming application cycle. I'm pretty happy with my ECs but after looking through the forums I've noticed it is helpful (not necessary) to have some clinical experience and/or shadow a physician. I've gone on a medical brigade to South America where we were able to shadow physicians and experience various aspects of patient care. However, I think that I can work on this area of my ECs.


- How would shadowing a physiotherapist look on an application? Would this be part of the clinical experience?

- Has anybody had luck shadowing a physician in Ontario? Do you think this could make or break your application?




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Having no clinical experience is bad. But clinical experience is a broad term, if you can see and smell patients - then its clinical experience.

Care homes, volunteering with special needs in sports, anything hospital related, there are so many different inds.

1. Shadowing a PT would be clinical experience, but depends on the nature - are you apart of a rehabilitation program for seniors or functionally impaired? Or are you simply just watching the PT? IF its just shadowing - then not as useful.

Medical brigades are nice and all, but doesnt say anything about long term ongoing commitements that volunteering weekly with an underserved population does.

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