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Fresh Mmi Study/practice Group

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Haven't seen one of these posted in a while, so I figured I'd throw one up.


I'm interested in forming a group between 2-5 people, at the U of C (sorry, no desire for Skype practice), to discuss/practice sample MMI questions.  It can be informal where we just discuss our approach and main talking points and not worry about timing, or it can be structured as a mock-MMI scenario. 


If your interested, message me or post an email or cell # to text too.  I'm wanting to meet up early next week as my interview is the following Saturday (21st).

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Update:    First meet-up went really well.   We will be meeting again tomorrow (Wednesday, Feb 18th) to do more mock interviews.

We are looking for one more member to join, to be at an even 6, and do a 3 station circuit with 3 interviewers & 3 interviewee's. Everybody gets feedback on their responses and then we swap rolls with a new set of questions.


PM me your cell # if you want in for tomorrows mock-mmi interview sessions and ill add you to the text list

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