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Guest EMHC

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Guest EMHC

I was wondering if anyone took a course in macroscopic anatomy? If so, what are your opinions of that course and its relavence to med school? Was it a GPA killer?:x



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Guest aneliz

I took a full year Human anatomy and a mammalian neuroanatomy course in undergrad...


It was helpful in med school...because I had basically covered the content before, I didn't have to work as hard as my classmates to get the same marks in anatomy at med school....


That said, it was not anything close to 'essential for doing well in med' and many of my classmates that had never taken anatomy before did just as well as me this year (although they probably worked harder!)


This doesn't mean that anatomy has always been easy for me...it just that I put in the work for it last year!


Anatomy is far from rocket science...it isn't hard per se...it is the volume of material and the nit-picky details that will kill you....it isn't hard to do well....but it takes A LOT of time (and I do mean a lot...) You have to be willing to put the time in to LEARN the stuff....brute force cramming will not get you too far in a lab exam in anatomy. Cramming at the last minute will kill your GPA....because there are lots of 'tricks' that you pick up by spending time in the lab looking at specimens that will trip you up on the exam if you haven't spent the time in the lab doing the work....


Bottom line - anatomy is helpful for meds, far from an essential, isn't guaranteed to smoke your GPA but you've got to be prepared to dedicate a lot of time to it if you want to do well.


Good luck!

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Guest EMHC



With that being said, did you anatomy course have a lab component to it? Thing is, I want to go to UWO (hey you're from UWO:D ) and as you said they need 2 half courses or 1 full course of biological sciences with lab. So a full course of anatomy with no lab won't do the trick eh?



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Guest aneliz

Both of the anatomy courses that I took had extensive lab components - 3 hours and 4 hours + per week. That is the only way to learn anatomy to tell you the truth....anatomy courses that don't have a lab component and expect you to learn it all from textbooks are A LOT harder than ones with a lab that allow you to actually go see anatomy in 3 dimensions.


As for UWO - your full year bio course MUST have a lab component...so a full year of anatomy with NO lab will not cut it! Basically, the bio requirement is to make sure that you have taken some biological science at the university level (ie a course with at least a senior high school bio pre-req) Courses that are not at that level, such as anatomy for fine arts majors or physiology for non-science majors, is just not going to work! I used my first year general bio course for the requirement - I think that is probably what most people did too.


Good luck!

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Guest EMHC



I will be taking a biology lab in the fall. It is, however, a one credit course (a full years course is 6 credits at UBC). How does UWO look at this?



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Guest UWOMED2005

I'm not quite sure what you mean by that.


When UWO says they want a full credit course in biology WITH lab, they are looking for the FULL-YEAR (ie Sept to April) course 1st year course that HAS A FULL LAB. The way this course was run at Dal (my uni) and Carleton (where I took bio in the summer) that worked out to about 3 hrs of class a week, and a 3hr lab either every week (or possibly every other week.) If you take the 1st year Biology course offered at UBC FOR BIOLOGY (or biochem, micro, etc.) MAJORS you will have no problems - at some universities that course is worth 6 credits, at others 2, and at others 1 - no matter, that is a factor of how the school calculates its credits and kind of irrelevant as long as the course runs the full year. That really is the course they're looking for, though they're willing to look at substitutions if the course in question seems to be equivalent or more challenging than 1st Bio (aka Bio 1000 aka Bio 100 aka Bio whatever.)


Make sense?

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Guest aneliz

As UWOMED2005 said, what they want is a "Full credit course in biology that INCLUDES a lab"


I took first year bio at Guelph to satisfy this - it was a full year course and included a three hour lab every week as part of the course.


I know that some schools offer the lecture and lab components of a course under separate course codes - so you are registered in both the lecture and the lab at the same time but you receive an independent mark in both courses.


I am not sure exactly how your lab course will be viewed....you might want to check that with the admissions office....but what they are aiming at with that pre-req is basically the equivalent of '1st year general bio for bio majors' and you must complete the lab component if it is offered separately.

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Guest EMHC

This is what I meant about the biology lab course I'd be taking (yes, it is an independent lab course. I had to register seperately for the lecture and the lab but I took the lecture last term and will do the lab now.) The lab meets once a week for a 3 hr session for 1/2 a year (sept to dec.). Will this course satisfy half the requirements at UWO? I will then find another 1/2 year course to satisfy the other half of the lab component. Will this work?



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Guest UWOMED2005

Maybe Aneliz (or one of the UWO moderators) can answer, but I really have no clue at all about that that. I'd never heard of a biology course where you could register independently for the lab and the lecture components! I'd strongly suggest calling the Admissions office to get an answer on this one.

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Guest EMHC

Thanks for your help everyone. I'll email Adcom and hopefully I'll get an answer soon. Say, do you know anyone from UBC that applied to UWO and had all the pre-reqs. I'd love to hear from anyone who's applied to UWO from UBC 'cause I was wondering what sort of Biological Science courses you took.



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Guest aneliz

Trying to think...I know we have some BC residents in our class...but I think most of them did their undergrad in Ontario...(UWO and Queen's are the ones I can remember off-hand...) I'll see what I can find out...but you might have better success if you post your question in the uwomeds.com forums...(linked from the top of the UWO forum). It might take a week to get a reply - the first years are gone for rural week and the second years are writing exams right now.

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