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Us Citizenship But No Residency

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Hi everyone,


Random question here about applying as a Canadian student to the US MD schools. My mother is an American citizen (born in the US, has dual citizenship) and we have always considered the possibility of getting me a US passport for the ease of working or going into school in the states but we have never followed up on it. The rules changed when I got older and made it harder logistically for me to get dual-citizenship due to the length of time my mom lived in the states (she was 16 when she left). However, we are considering it again and wondering if its worthwhile to look into, even if its a long shot, to open up the possibility of applying to US MD schools as an american citizen. But, I would have no residency claims in the US and I am wondering if that means that I will be effectively looked at as a international student, even if I had a US passport. Would I have to secure residency in a particular state to apply as a US student or would the passport/citizenship be enough?


Not sure if anyone will have any idea about this hypothetical situation but if so, any help would be appreciated!


Thanks :)

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