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What are the people like in med school?

Guest newbee

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Guest newbee



I was wondering what kinds of personalities do you find in med school?


Are they agressive, competitive, snobby or more down to earth, and kind hearted.


I was talking to a friend at Western's law school and she said that 50% of the class is girls and most of them are really snobby and very materialistic and competitive.

I'm hoping med school isn't like that, as my personality would really not jel with those kinds of people.


Thanks in advance for your responses


Newbee :)

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Guest hmsdread

The personalities in a med school class are just like what you would find in an undergrad class, at a workplace, etc. You have your easy-going, laid back types, your high strung types, some are competitive, some are not, some are more aggressive than others. People in my class fit in every range of personality you can imagine.



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Aside from the 50% girls thing (we're almost 50/50 too) we're nothing like the class you mentioned... it's hard to generalise, but I'd say we're a lot less high-strung and competitive than undergrad - that feeling of having already "made it" and the pass/fail system prolly contribute a lot to that.

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Guest Lakers4life

Queens is just pass/fail...wow...I can see both positives and negatives with that....I like the HPF better though b.c it gives you something to aim for.


The feeling of already having 'made it' is kinda premature, wouldn't you say? You haven't passed meds yet, and for a lot of people, making it will be when they land their residency. Ask someone who really wants to be an ENT if they feel they have already made it and I am sure that their answer won't be yes.

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Point taken... and correction, I meant to say Queen's is Honours/Pass/Fail (anyone who actually knows me prolly would be surprised at my slip there - that includes you, saskmedman :lol ).

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Guest Lakers4life

Yeah I seem to remember from interviews 2 years ago that Queens was HPF.


Just to add to the initla comment, I don't really get the point of this question. No one can generalize what med students are like. Med students are the undergrads that got into med school; so just take whatever your undegrad experience was like and imagine that on a smaller scale.

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Guest summervirus

kellyl20, let's not go through this again. :( All of the UofA med 2006 moderators as well as a few other students in my class already took the time to describe our class dynamics a few months ago.


I know you're very skeptical of what we said, but it's not fair to generalize the entire class by describing us as highschool students. Nor, is it fair to over-dramatize the existence of some cliques, which I'm sure every single school in Canada has. Please refrain from gross generalizations in the future...


I hope I don't sound unfriendly. I'm not trying to be mean. But, if you honestly think that the UofA isn't the type of school that's suited for you, then maybe you shouldn't apply to this school. It seems like you're holding a grudge or prejudice feelings against us, even without giving us a fair chance. It would be sad if you applied, got in, and spent four years frustrated and unhappy. That wouldn't be fair to you or other applicants that want to come here.


As the other med students have said, medical students are humans too. We have normal, social interactions, which includes some conflicts, at times. As I said to you before, you have to have realistic expectations of med school. I'm not trying to paint a picture of us prancing around the meadow-side, holding hands, and singing songs. In every population, there are people that tend to hang out more within their own circle of friends. But, I think it's important to recognize that here, at least in my class, the students are friendly, welcoming, and, for the most part, don't foster a competitive environment. No one is really overtly exluded. It's not really fair or accurate to call us highschoolers.

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Guest kellyl20

Summervirus: Do not really take offence to you trying to defend your class. However, I did not say your class was bad, just the second hand information that there is a group of girls in your class that are quite cliquey but the guys in your class are quite nice and helpful. Remember that reputation is what others give us, and if it is not to our liking it is up to us to change or not. But at the same time one can not force a reputation of ourselves on others either. Every year the class will be different with new people so there is no generalization. And no, you are not mean and perhaps you are oblivious. As for the evironment being competitive, I have heard no...not at all, at all. So........there is really no need to scold if the reputation is not liked.

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Guest mirrille

Hmmm...:rolleyes I must be completely outside of the clique because I have no idea which people you could be talking about. Be very careful about secondhand information and even more careful about spreading that stuff around.

And by the way, I can totally see summervirus on the meadowside holding hands and singing songs. :rollin

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Guest summervirus

mirrille: maybe a group of us can go to the field in front of Corbett Hall and prance and sing when school starts again. ;)

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Guest summervirus

mirrille: oh wait! I take that back. I have a brutal voice. I don't want to sing. I'll just prance and clap my hands. There's a reason I didn't join choir with all of you! :b

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Guest TimmyMax

You guys have a choir??? Cool! I'm trying to start a meds choir here at UWO myself as something fun to do on the side. There are a few of us who are in the UWO Choir here on campus, but an all-meds choir would be a lot of fun I think! Good job! :)



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Guest summervirus

Yupers! The med choir is actually quite good. :) The sang at a number of events last year including the year end banquet and the memorial service that we held in remembrance of those that gave their bodies for us to study anatomy.


Good luck with your choir! I hope you don't get any jokers like me joining your choir. People like me sound like screaming cats.

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Guest mirrille

Summervirus: You can't take it back! :D I'm gonna hear you sing! I know you have a great voice, just like you are a superstar at everything you do, even though you try so hard to hide it! Besides, the choir needs more tenors for next year.

By the way, anyone coming into first year at U of A, join our choir! It's lots of fun and we are all really nice.

Timmymax: I hope your choir works out. Ours is so much fun. We got to sing at those special events that summervirus talked about but we also did cool stuff like carolling at prof's houses and karaoke nights.

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey mirrile,


I'm a tenor! Can I join???

That's great that you have so much interest in doing something like that! Can I ask how many you guys have in your crew? A second unrelated question: did any of you guys go to Campbell Collegiate in Alberta? (just a stab in the dark)

Hmm, karaoke nights. They just started those on campus here at UWO this past year- therealcrackers and I have become regulars and there have been appearances from lcloh, aneliz and UWOMED2005, among other people. We're all still waiting to hear aneliz's rendition of Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time", though! :D



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Guest shkelo

U of A has a choir AND a jazz band, for those people who don't have singing voices. There seems to be a lot of musical talent amongst our med students.

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Guest mirrille

Timmymax: Of course you can join!:D We practice at lunchtime on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The only thing is you'll have to find your own way out to U of A.

I haven't really counted how many of us there were this year. I'm an alto and I'd guess there would be about a dozen of us, maybe a bit more, showing up on a regular basis. I'd guess about 8-10 basses and 6 tenors. I'm not too sure how many sopranos we have, but i think a little bit fewer than altos. That puts it ...in the neighborhood of 40 people? It's hard to tell because we managed to recruit more people as the year went on, but lost a few others.

Campbell Collegiate....is that a school? Probably not me because I'm from BC. Anyone else go there?

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