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First Time Applying To American Medical Schools. Looking For Advices And My Chance At Being Accepted A Md Program. Thanks!

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Dear friends,


First of all, thank you, everyone, for helping me and providing with any advice. I really appreciate all of your efforts because your time is very precious. However, I have been trying very hard to improve myself and I just hope I make it to an American medical school this year. I am a bit nervous because I am not sure if I stand a chance, but at the same time, I don't want to let go of my passion for medicine.


My information:




B.Sc - Immunology Specialist (3.68/3.3/3.88/3.96 = cGPA 3.7)
M.Sc - Master of Science (4.0)




I took it three times.

First time: 33R (9VR). Second time: 33(7VR).

New MCAT (no score yet, but estimated based on the preliminary percentile that I received): 14PS /9 or 10VR /14BS/ 8 or 9 PSY/SOC.


The reasons for the re-took is because I had a family constraint at first, which restricted me to only Canadian medical schools. My second time VR was not ideal, so I took the new MCAT to bump that up.




2 Publication - 1 Research + 1 Review (2nd author for both).

1 Manuscript in preparation for publication (not 1st author).

Hospital Volunteer Patient Support + Clinical Support.

Physican Shadowing.

Taught Immunology workshop at high schools for the past two years.

Taught Immunology seminars at libraries and community center for the past two years.

Student councils - both during undergrad. and grad. school.

Student rep. on selection committee for chair of department and vice dean.

Part-time tutor for high school math/science.


Bonus: also likes to make scale military models and diorama - really fun hobbie!


That include most of the information about me, other than few other scholarships and minor volunteering/extracurricular that I did no list.


My current plan is to apply to about 15 American medical schools that accepts canadian applicants with 3/4 Ivy league schools included within.


Again, thank you very much everyone! Feel free to provide any helpful advice. I will defintely read each one and take them into consideration.





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Definitely post up what your final MCAT score is. The overall numbers and activities look solid! Just don't get caught in the trap of only applying to top tier schools. Make sure you have a broad range of low and mid-tier USMD schools as well. 

It can be hit or miss, biggest thing is to make sure to apply early and pre-write secondaries.

I'm guessing the VR keeps you out of Canada? 

IF USMD schools don't show love, I would also add a few USDO programs in some of the locations you like, definitely some strong programs. Some of these programs may even be cheaper options.  But again, cast a wide net!

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Hi Gohan!


Thanks for the advice and you are the best for helping everyone here! I will definitely apply broadly, I am mostly aiming at low and mid-tier USMD schools because I do feel I might not be as competitve as some of the other applicants for the top tiers.


Yeah... the canadian VR cutoff is definitely very problematic to me, especially since I live in Toronto. Staying in Canada is nice since my wife just finished her Pharm. D., but it is just getting more and more competitive each year... We don't mind going to states though (Took some convincing...)


Another quick question, does having a M.Sc. attract any attention from medical school?

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Hi Gohan!


Thanks for the advice and you are the best for helping everyone here! I will definitely apply broadly, I am mostly aiming at low and mid-tier USMD schools because I do feel I might not be as competitve as some of the other applicants for the top tiers.


Yeah... the canadian VR cutoff is definitely very problematic to me, especially since I live in Toronto. Staying in Canada is nice since my wife just finished her Pharm. D., but it is just getting more and more competitive each year... We don't mind going to states though (Took some convincing...)


Another quick question, does having a M.Sc. attract any attention from medical school?

No problem. 


Thats tough about VR. But you probably hit your peak, and not a good idea to keep retaking.  


As someone who was looking to the US, be thankful that your wife has her PharmD. She should have a significantly easier time getting a work visa and keep her career going compared to others that don't have professional degrees. (Look into the TN visa and the J1 for her in the prospective cities you end up getting acceptances). Biggest thing is to make sure you two have a serious conversation about all the possibilities and figure out which ones you BOTH are comfortable with before hand.


MSc is nice, but reading the SDN forums you'll see that many people don't put too much weight into a 4.0 in masters - since generally understood that masters are much easier to do well in. But it doesn't hurt thats for sure and it helps keep the upward trend.


You have a solid chance! I would still apply to 15-20, just to be safer. It's only an extra couple hundred to apply, and you never know who will say yes and who will say no. You don't want to limit yourself before it even starts, you know?



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