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Cdn With Us Undergrad...advice On Schools?

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Hey everyone! 


I know these kinds of topics are common....but I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and would love some advice from the PM101 community.


I'm Canadian, but finished my U.S. undergrad in 2014. I currently still live in the States and applied to U of C and U of A this cycle, but was rejected at U of A and waitlisted at U of C.




GPA: 3.86

MCAT (2013): 31 (12BS/9VR/10PS)

Taking the 2015 MCAT in August



Currently working at a pharmaceutical company doing cancer research (since July 2014) no pubs, 1 poster

2 years Ochem Workshop Tutor

Small tutoring positions in college

Other minor non-med related employment



NCAA D1 athlete (4 years) - 12 years competitive sports prior

Hospice volunteer 1 year (2013/14)

Nursing home (specializing w/ patients w/ dementia) 3 months (2012)

Shadowing/volunteering Urgent Car clinic 1 year (2014/15)

Undergrad research 1 year (no pubs just 1 poster)

Minor volunteer events (one-day events, packing boxes for troops, mentoring children grieving lost parents, etc)


Going to apply to Canada again...but what US schools do you think I have a chance at as a Cdn with a US undergrad? I have done some research on it but would love to hear first hand account from people who have experience with the US system


Thanks SO much for any help!  


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Look through these threads, and apply to all of the same schools that Canadian undergrads would apply too - with the addition of schools that will consider you as an OOS due to your US undergrad. Will be a bit more leg work to find out those handful of schools who will give you that extra shot due to US undergrad - but overall, the list won't be significantly different.

Even some schools in Michigan, include Canadians as OOS and not "international" as an example.

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