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Uofa Info

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Hi! I was wondering, would anyone be willing to share some basic info on what the UofA DDS program is like? e.g. What is the typical class schedule? Is it 9-5 everyday, or is there some variability? What types of assignments do we get for the classes? Are the classes graded, or are they pass/fail? Also, when do we get our class schedule, and is it set or do we get some choice? That type of thing...


Thanks in advance to anyone who replies! It's super helpful for us nervous first years  ;)

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Hi! I was wondering, would anyone be willing to share some basic info on what the UofA DDS program is like? e.g. What is the typical class schedule? Is it 9-5 everyday, or is there some variability? What types of assignments do we get for the classes? Are the classes graded, or are they pass/fail? Also, when do we get our class schedule, and is it set or do we get some choice? That type of thing...


Thanks in advance to anyone who replies! It's super helpful for us nervous first years  ;)

First two years are really nice. You get random afternoons off and the last month of first year you get fridays off typically. First two years of dental school were by far my favorite years of university. In second year intercession things get a little intense. Then the schedule is 8-5 almost everyday. In third and fourth year its basically just clinic from 830 to 430 ish depending on when you finish your work. Classes are pass/fail. Not many assignments and if there are assignments they tend to be straightforward. You get no choice on your class schedule and you won't be able to access it until orientation week I believe. 


When I was finally accepted into dental school I was over the wall excited. I thought the toughest part was behind me. In a way it was. But dental school has not been easy. I have studied even more than in undergrad but they do ease you into it slowly. Third year is the worst by far. Once that is over then all you have to worry about is board exam. 


Overall don't worry. All the instructors are super personable and excellent mentors. I've never been afraid to ask a question no matter how simple or dumb it might be. You and your classmates are like family and the atmosphere is very cooperative and helpful. Enjoy first year though and don't stress yourself out. No matter how much you learn in your preclinical years it is literally nothing compared to what you will learn in your first month of clinic. Everyone makes it one way or another. It might come slower to some, and others might have to work much harder but we all make it through together. 

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First two years are really nice. You get random afternoons off and the last month of first year you get fridays off typically. First two years of dental school were by far my favorite years of university. In second year intercession things get a little intense. Then the schedule is 8-5 almost everyday. In third and fourth year its basically just clinic from 830 to 430 ish depending on when you finish your work. Classes are pass/fail. Not many assignments and if there are assignments they tend to be straightforward. You get no choice on your class schedule and you won't be able to access it until orientation week I believe. 


When I was finally accepted into dental school I was over the wall excited. I thought the toughest part was behind me. In a way it was. But dental school has not been easy. I have studied even more than in undergrad but they do ease you into it slowly. Third year is the worst by far. Once that is over then all you have to worry about is board exam. 


Overall don't worry. All the instructors are super personable and excellent mentors. I've never been afraid to ask a question no matter how simple or dumb it might be. You and your classmates are like family and the atmosphere is very cooperative and helpful. Enjoy first year though and don't stress yourself out. No matter how much you learn in your preclinical years it is literally nothing compared to what you will learn in your first month of clinic. Everyone makes it one way or another. It might come slower to some, and others might have to work much harder but we all make it through together. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to write this! This was incredibly reassuring to hear, and I feel so, so much better about going into the program now - you've just majorly improved the rest of my summer :) . I was super excited even before, but now I can't wait to start! 

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