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volunteer/extracurricular activites

Guest codloghorn

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Guest codloghorn

i'm in my first yr. of university and would like to get accepted into med school during 3rd year so i can start medschool during my fourth yr., but i have no volunteer/extracurricular activities, jobs, or anything else that would look good on the omsas application. what do you recommend i do? :(

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Guest CaesarCornelius

Med schools like to see that you have demonstrated an interest in medicine by volunteering in a medical setting. IE: With the vets, children, etc in the hospital.


On another note, there is no need to rush getting in to medical school. You might consider finishing your degree, after all, you will have put in 3 years, it might be nice to get something out of it.



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This recent thread might have some helpful ideas for you. There are also a number of threads linked to from the FAQ.


I agree with CaesarCornelius - it's important to get SOME experience in a medical setting, partly because they're going to ask you in your interview how you know what physicians do, and more importantly because how can you decide to be a doctor if you haven't experienced it first-hand?


As to the rest, I think that medical schools just want to see that you've taken some kind of activity, committed yourself to it, and achieved at a high level or made a difference. The actual activity really doesn't matter all that much. Choose the things that YOU want to do! You'll have much more fun that way. :)

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I agree with CC,

You definitely need to do some volunteering in a medical setting but also in another setting - whatever you think you will enjoy. You may also want to get a part-time job during school (research lab, teen shelter, B&G club). You should also try to do something you like to do, just for the heck of it- like dance classes, piano, sports, etc. All of these things will look good on the application.

The last thing you want to do is give the impression that you have only volunteered and involved yourself in community activites to get into medical school, so make sure that you are enthusiastic and dedicated to any of the things you decide to do.

Good Luck!

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Guest coralrush

There's not SET formula of volunteer/extracurrics you NEED to get in. You don't NEED to volunteer in a hospital or do research in a lab to get accepted. Do something you like and are passionate about that can relate to skills you need to be a doctor. The admissions cte. will be able to tell whether you're just volunteering at a hospital because it will look good on your app. or whether you truly enjoy it.


As for extracurricular activities, join a few diverse things and get involved as possible in it- they like to see that you are well-rounded, but you are also committed and like to play an integral role in the things you join. Try to get a leadership position (devote yourself to the club this year so you can get one next year) or initiate a club or a new venture within a club.


Everyone does different activities that get into medschool. Sure, there's many people who have volunteered at a hospital or nursing home since they were 14 and spend their summers doing research at a lab, but there are also many people who are camp counselors, VP of a student society and have their own band - whatever floats your boat.


Make a list of what you enjoy doing, what skills can be transferrable to the meds profession, and... just do it! Start as soon as you can- medschools generally look at activities from AGE 14 onwards.



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