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Kaplan Prep Course

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I took the Kaplan Prep course two years ago. Personally I feel you may be better off spending that money on other resources as Kaplan on its own may not be sufficient prep for the DAT and the course is pretty expensive. That being said, the only DAT prep i did was taking the Kaplan course but after writing the DAT twice I can't really say that the course fully prepared me.  The course is nice like you will learn a few tips and tricks and the scheduled classes help you stay on task. It really boils down to how comfortable you are with the content on the DAT and whether you feel you need guided learning or would rather spend less money on buying other books and study independently. 

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In my opinion, I don't feel a prep course is very necessary for the DAT (disclaimer: I enrolled in a prep course for the DAT last year but never completed it). Here are my reasons:


-TIME--you will probably be busy studying for other courses since the DAT is held in Nov and Feb. Last year, I took a full course load and had to drop the prep course (and work) due to time constraints. I felt that practicing questions was more valuable and worth my time than attending the course. Also, my GPA needed to be a primary focus and so I did not want to lose crucial studying time.


-SCIENCES--the bio and chem sections are mad basic--you don't need a refresher on the basic sciences provided by the course if you have taken 2nd year science courses and higher


-PAT/RC/CARVING--Just start practicing a bunch of material. There is no prep course that can teach you these sections. Only practice will help guide you to figuring out easy and more effective ways to acing these sections, esp. the carving.

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I had access to the Kaplan prep course materials when I prepared for my DAT. (Note: I didn't take the actual course.) 


I didn't find the books necessary in preparing for the DAT. Like others have said, it boils down to doing as many practice tests as you can.

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I have many friends who took the course (both Kaplan and Princeton) and thought it was a total waste of their money. (Disclaimer: this may only apply to my friends) From what they said, if you are getting 3.8~9 ish on your science courses (which is a kind of gpa you need for application anyways), you can get avg 20s in DAT. If you need more info or tips please PM me.

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