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Canadian Dat - Utilizing The Break Between Sections

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Hi, I was wondering if we could use our break to write out equations or draw diagrams for the PAT section (hole punch 4X4 chart and cube counting sides tally chart) on the Canadian DAT. I know this is an acceptable procedure on the American DAT. However, common sense tells me that this is not the case for the Canadian DAT  because there is only one booklet and it would require your to open it during your break (whereas the american DAT is a computer-based test). Is there anyone that has taken it in the past or knows anyone that has taken it that can help clarify this for me? Thanks in Advance.

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I don't believe that's possible. If I remember correctly the entire Canadian DAT is made up of a single booklet. Each section (Science, PAT, Reading) is colour coded. Once each section is done you need to walk out of the room, you can't take anything with you and you can't bring anything back with you. Anyway, that's what I can remember about it.


Great username, btw! hahaha

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Hey, yeah you cannot do that. The booklet (s?) are not to be flipped to (or opened?) prior to getting to that specific section. No peaking! ;)

I honestly think that would have stressed me more... just take a breather during the break :)

EDIT: as for chem... there's no outlandish formulas you have to use except your typical first year chem laws and relationships (if I remember correctly...)

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