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How did everyone find the DAT this morning?


Personally, I thought the sciences were okay for the most part, with chem being easier than bio. There were still 2 or 3 tricky questions in the chem section but for bio I thought the number was closer to 4-5. 

PAT on the other hand was a whole different story. I thought it was way harder than any practice test I had done. I used bootcamp, crack dat pat, and datgenius for practice and was scoring conistently in the 21-24 range. On the 2009 ADA I scored a 23.


I thought keyholes were very tough, on which I guessed about 4 or 5 because I simply had no idea.

Top front end was also very difficult imo on which I was iffy about maybe 3 or 4.

On practice tests I was confident with most of my answers for these two sections and would get maybe 3 wrong max on both keyholes and TFE.


Angles are angles, and cube counting, patterns and holes were prbly around the same difficulty as my practice tests.


Luckily RC was easier than I was expecting.

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1) craving .. gg .. different soap texture was a pretty big curveball for me (I practiced using only the green ones)


2) sciences was kindof a breeze, occasional hard ones, better than practice 


3) Wow your practice scores are great.  I usually scored 20-23 on bootcamp/datgenuis/CDP/qvalut, but I thought this one was easier tbh (straightfwd for angles/cubes/pattern folding/hole punching). TFE was pretty standard but I think 4 of the keyholes were cringeworthy . 


4) wow "engrish no 1st language", but I found it easier than practice tests. All the people around me finished with like 10minutes to spare. 

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If we are talking about Feb 2016 Canadian DAT, then PAT was definately the hardest for me. Natural sciences and RC were desirably easy and fun. Amidst the chaotic series of tracing, pinning and mapping my answers, I lost track of time, and left one of the entire section (apertures) on the PAT incomplete. Can anyone shine a light on PAT scoring system. Are all the sections included?

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If we are talking about Feb 2016 Canadian DAT, then PAT was definately the hardest for me. Natural sciences and RC were desirably easy and fun. Amidst the chaotic series of tracing, pinning and mapping my answers, I lost track of time, and left one of the entire section (apertures) on the PAT incomplete. Can anyone shine a light on PAT scoring system. Are all the sections included?

I think all sections are accounted for the score, but there are a few questions in each sections that won't be marked.

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I actually found it to be pretty easy for the PAT (angles, hole punching, TFE). The apertures were a bit harder than the ones I practiced on bootcamp, jcoreview, and kaplan. The sciences section was pretty straight forward, which I was surprised about! And the reading comp was good too I felt. I found the angles super easy... I was practicing some pretty hard ones when I was studying so that helped  :lol:

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I never heard abt them removing certain parts. Where'd you hear about this?

at the end of the CDA prep manual it says as a part of the testing methodology, there are 15 questions on the PAT that are not scored. So i assume that applies to both the prep manual and the actual test? 

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at the end of the CDA prep manual it says as a part of the testing methodology, there are 15 questions on the PAT that are not scored. So i assume that applies to both the prep manual and the actual test? 

I've heard that this applies to the sciences as well - pilot questions to see if enough people get a question right that its considered valid, and useable for future years

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  • 8 months later...

at the end of the CDA prep manual it says as a part of the testing methodology, there are 15 questions on the PAT that are not scored. So i assume that applies to both the prep manual and the actual test? 


I just came across that statement about 15 questions not being marked on the cDAT prep manual. Do you know how that works, and if yes how would I go about calculating my score for that practice exam?

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I am not sure how that works because they don't tell you which questions won't be counted. So you just have to do all of them!



I just came across that statement about 15 questions not being marked on the cDAT prep manual. Do you know how that works, and if yes how would I go about calculating my score for that practice exam?

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