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Why Would You Choose Macmaster Over Anywhere Else?

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One thing to add is that McMaster does have the added option of an enrichment year, which you can take to do a masters or do research and/or clinical electives. Up to 40% of your time can be allocated to clinical electives. Its a great option for those that need more time, those that are hoping to match to a competitive specialty or those hoping to apply to the states for residency. You can take the year at any time point but before CaRMS.  


The enrichment year option has always been underadvertised but to our years class there was some significant advertisement and some of my classmates have taken the option. 


If you did take the enrichment year it would absolutely alleviate a lot of problems many people have with Mac in terms of lack of time to decide specialty. The extra 40% clinical electives would be an insane amount of elective time. 


You don't pay tuition during the enrichment year either. So it's essentially doing a 4 year degree with 2x more elective weeks, at the cost of a 3 year degree. AND you get research experience for an added boost to your Carms app :)


There are also people who choose to pursue a master's during this year. Basically you're crunching what would typically be 5 - 6 years for both degrees down to 4 years.

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