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University Of Saskatchewan Prerequisite Course

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Hello everyone, 


    I just want to know if anyone of you ever took a prerequisite course (e.g. Physics, Chemistry and etc) where you only managed to get just the CREDIT (no marks appeared on your transcript). I am planning to take a physics course in the Fall and I'm thinking of taking it as Cr/D/Fail course. Is this acceptable for Saskatchewan?



Thanks a lot!




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Hello everyone, 


    I just want to know if anyone of you ever took a prerequisite course (e.g. Physics, Chemistry and etc) where you only managed to get just the CREDIT (no marks appeared on your transcript). I am planning to take a physics course in the Fall and I'm thinking of taking it as Cr/D/Fail course. Is this acceptable for Saskatchewan?



Thanks a lot!


I never saw any of mine appear as only credits. In fact, Im not sure what Cr/D/Fail means. But, I would think that as long as you get your credit, maintain the average for overall prerequisites (70%) and have high enough full course load average, you should be okay? Im not too sure though. You should e-mail Merissa. 

 Keep in mind also that the only competitive average is the full-course load one. So you can throw in fewer prerequisites to your full term load as long as you already have the prereq's from other terms, summer class etc.

 If this is an issue of being nervous for physics, which I was, I would highly recommend getting a subscription at chegg.com. It will help you with all of your assignments, quizzes, lab assignments and lab quizzes as well. It allows you to post questions to get direct answers, but more importantly, to be able to look through everything and see how people are solving the problems. It also has solutions to MANY (maybe all?) of the text book questions. I am not a math person whatsoever, and I picked up chegg for physics 117 and it drastically improved my mark from 115. Probably made the difference of me actually getting into dentistry this fall. 


Sorry for the tangent. But if you're in the situation I was, freaking out before physics, shoot me a PM and I'll gladly give you some tips. 

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