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Nurse Job Outlook In Montreal?


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Hi everyone, been thinking a lot about going back to school at 27 to pursue a career in nursing but family (parents) are very against it arguing that jobs are hard to come by and pay is low ($18/hr for new grads according to my dad who asked a nurse). I'd like current nurses or new grads (or students who know someone who is) to please share some of their stories about how easy/hard it is to find a job for new grads in Montreal and the starting pay. Btw, not going into nursing for the money but would like to know that I can earn enough to support my future family once I have kids etc. Thank you in advance!


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Je ne crois pas qu'il soit difficile de trouver un poste d'infirmier/infirmière dans la région de Montréal, et sans vraiment connaître les salaires, je crois que c'est tout de même une profession payante et avec beaucoup d'avantages sociaux. Tu n'as que 27 ans, si tu aimes les sciences infirmières, vas-y !

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