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Eligibility For Wgpa?

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Hi guys, 


A bit confused about this wGPA non-sense given my understanding of UBC's credit system.


1st year (Sept-April): 30 credits Total

- 1st semester:  4 courses + 0.5 credit workshop (14.5 credits)

- 2nd semester: 4 courses + 1 lab + workshop (14.5 credits)


1st year (Summer): 6 credits

- 1st semester: 1 course (3 credits)

- 2nd semester: 1 course (3 credits)


2nd year (Sept-April): 30 credits 

- 1st semester: 5 courses (15 credits)

- 2nd semester: 5 courses (15 credits)


3rd year (Sept to April): 30 credits

- 1st semester: 5 courses (15 credits)

- 2nd semester: 3 courses + 2 online courses (15 credits)



As far as I know...my 3rd year wont count. So I can't apply to UofO this semester (I knew this going in, that's fine with me since I can apply to 7 other schools anyways and take a wGPA eligible courseload in 4th year)


Here is my issue: In 4th year can I do directed studies or does that count as 'online'??? Directed studies is lab work for credits, I'd be working on a project year long for 6 credits. Also, could I take one online course per semester in 4th year and still be eligible for wGPA using my 1/2/4th years + the summer courses I took? Man this is confusing as hell.


I'd be taking 31 credits in total with 3 lecture based courses + 1 directed studies course + 1 online course per semester for a total of 15.5 credits per semester.

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When in doubt, just ask. The school, I mean...


Getting second opinions is good, but if there's anything unique, any doubt....you never want to risk it. This seems like they could interpret it multiple ways, so why risk it? Email then asap to avoid august/september when they get bombarded

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