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Should You Even Worry About Other Mcat Sections Besides Cars?

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Hello everyone,


Based on reading multiple posts and following PM101 quite closely for a while, it seems to me GPA and MCAT are the only two main items you can control over the application process. Rest is all subjective and not much you can do about that other than choosing your ECs carefully. For someone like me who has already graduated, there isn't much you can do about it rather than living with a lower GPA (around 3.4-3.5). In that case, CARS is probably your only option left to work on in order to increase your chances of getting an interview. So is it even worth investing the time in other MCAT sections or just focus your 200% on CARS only? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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Yes, especially with a lower GPA. They will grade you in an area called global academic capacity, in which they will consider your entire mcat score. A higher mcat score might suggest to the admissions committee, that you are motivated and capable in terms of academic capacity. An unbalanced mcat might lend to the idea that you are unmotivated compared to other candidates, or less capable. It's always worth doing as well as you can, on everything you can. Your entire application will be considered.

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