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u of winnipeg

Guest sweetstuff25

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Guest sweetstuff25

does anyone have info regarding the number of students that apply from u of winnipeg to medicine each year...in 2003 only 14 got in, does that mean there were only 30ish applicants? i'm in uofm but if a higher % get in from uofw "premed Program" what am i waiting for, i'll switch anyday?

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Guest jackiedirks

I'm in med1 at U of M (although we just finished our exams- does this mean I'm in med2??) and I went to the U of W for my undergrad. Doing a quick flip through our class directory, I think about 10-12 people in our class attended U of W.


I wouldn't switch solely for the numbers, but I did have a great time during my undergrad. I did a biology degree with a focus in microbio at U of W. In my last year, my thesis supervisor only had one other student- a masters candidate- and so I was treated like a grad student. He gave me a lot of responsibility within the lab and had a lot of time for my project. (Where as when I went to the labs at faculty of medicine for a summer job, I was lucky to get 1 hour a week with my supervisor.) I'm not sure if you care about stuff like this- but I'm sure the reference really helped me.


Being a student in a smaller faculty lets you be a bit of a "big fish", especially once you are in your upper years. I had a lot of opportunity for jobs and summer work, and a lot of the profs knew me and the other upper-level students.


I had a fantastic experience at the U of W, so of course I am a bit biased in my response, but I would recommend the science program to anyone (if that is what you are taking). U of W is known to be a bit alternative- they not huge on beer bashes, formal dances, or fraternities, but they do protest a lot. (I went to most of the EBCs with my friends from U of M- its not like they check your student ID when you buy a ticket).


After that glowing review- I have to say that if you work hard enough where you get your undergrad won't matter a whole lot.

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Guest sweetstuff25

yea, i agree with with in many ways. the biggest problem for me, as a uofm student, is that i can't find any prof willing to give me time to gain some experience in research and lab work. i still can't figure out how ppl get all those fancy jobs, i know most of my friends had hook ups through relatives but that doesn't really help me in any way.

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