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What Are My Chances?

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Hi all,


I have applied to University of Manitoba and after getting the results of the recent DAT scores, I'm feeling very discouraged. 


The average overall DAT score for the 2016 class was 22.39 -- this included the MDT.

Would it hopeful to say that the average overall DAT scores will be lower this year, since the MDT were commonly very high, in which would boost the overall scores in the past years?


I understand that the interview portion plays a lot in the application process, but what are my chances of getting an interview this year and possibly even getting accepted?? 

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Hey! As much as it may be a tough pill to swallow, I really think you need to rewrite. Assuming you're from manitoba, your dat score is really cutting it slim to even get an interview based off of last years interview cut-off. Even though MDT was usually high and brought people's dat scores up, I think there will now be so many med-gunners applying to dentistry "just to see what happens/for fun" that the score will probably balance out to be about the same. This is just my opinion though. 

I wrote the novemeber dat too and I was a bit discouraged by my score and super disappointed that I need to rewrite. But even though it obviously sucks, you should really look at where you went wrong so that when you do re-write the dat, you'll do better. 

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Chances are you won't get an interview with that DAT score (obviously this is dependant on this year's applicant pool, but given the trend it seems unlikely). Also, remember that your DAT score counts for 1/3 of the admission process and is not solely used to see who gets an interview, so that low score wont help you even if you get an interview. You can always apply either way and see what happens, worst case scenario it doesn't work out this application cycle but you'll have gained experience and next application cycle will be better for you. Your AGPA is solid so you need that DAT score to also shine, given a decent interview you'd make a great candidate.

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