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How does evaluation at Mac work?

Guest TimmyMax

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey guys,


This is a question for our Mac moderators- like mdjoe, Carolyn or someone "in the know". This may be a long-dead thread I haven't come across, but please excuse my ignorance if it is. How does Mac evaluate its students??? I heard that despite there being no unit exams (as per other schools), but there are nonetheless these "mastery" exams that the entire school has to write that can be about anything in medicine. I know you get evaluated for your group participation, contribution, etc., but I was wondering about the exam part of life as a med student at Mac. Can anyone help clear this up for me? Thanks in advance!



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Guest Carolyn

HI Tim,


This is from another forum where I responded to the same question:


We seem to be evaluated all the time at McMaster!

At the end of every tutorial there is an evaluation where everyone speaks about how they, the group as a whole and all the other members of the group are doing - this is why they ask so much about group skills and conflict resolution etc in the application process. We are given written evals every six weeks by the tutor (mid-unit and final) and the final evals are directly used in the transcript.


There is also a reasoning exercise every 3 months - 18 case questions where you reason through the problem... and there is a 180 multiple choice exam 3 times a year. This is called the PPI - all three years write the same exam and it gives you the opportunity to a) practice writing multiple choice exams and b)to see how you are progressing through the program. The first time (Sept of first year) you write the exam the class average ends up around 10% - by the end of the programme the average is quite high.


In all of the evaluations, it is possible to get an unsatisfactory or be "red-flagged.".. there are then processes put in place for remedial work or extra help if necessary. The checks and balances are put in place to ensure both the student and programme are aware of how we are doing. During clerkship we have exams at the end of each rotation just like at other schools.


The big difference between us and other schools is that there really isn't overall marks for courses and we aren't ranked against each other (I think some schools still do that - not sure) - most of our evaluation ends up being qualitative as opposed to quantitative. I find this a lot more useful and makes the process alot less stressful. It also is teaching us to hone our self-evaluation skills which is essential when you go out and practice and the external evaluation disappears.


Hope that helps - if you have any other questions, please ask!


Take Care.

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Guest TimmyMax

Hey Carolyn,


Thanks for the reply- that thread is from Delphi, isn't it? I knew I'd read something to the effect of how Mac was evaluated somewhere, but couldn't remember where. Thanks for clarifying!



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