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Graduate Reference Letter same as Personal Reference Letter

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I want to ask my supervisor to be one of my three referees, but I know that he also needs to write an extra "Graduate Supervisor Letter" that strictly speaks of my academic attributes only. I feel like my supervisor will simply send the same letter twice, with very few modifications, if any. I know that the personal and graduate reference letters are viewed independently of each other, but do you guys think it would be a problem if both letters are very similar to each other? I mean, how much can you talk about essentially the same thing in two different ways?

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Assuming things haven't changed, this shouldn't be a problem. My letters (personal and graduate supervisor) from my supervisor were identical and it didn't cause any issues. IIRC, the graduate package is reviewed separately from the rest of the application so they won't even know it is the same letter twice. 

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That is exactly what I did. However, with that said, the letters were actually quite different from one another.

The letter that was submitted as part of the 3 reference letters talked more about the personal attributes that I demonstrated during grad school, and the committees and other extra-curricular stuff I helped with. It mentioned my actual research only a little. Meanwhile, the letter submitted as part of the graduate application heavily discussed my research in terms of publications, conference participation, analysis, hard skills, and things along that line, with minimal reference to my non-academic contributions. 

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