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wait list

Guest jeffbeene

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Guest nubar89



To answer your question, there were 384 interview spots given ouot this year.


I have a question for you...


What do you mean by the "new system"?


Also, when you called, was the lady you spoke to talking about calls that she made this year?





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Guest macdaddyeh

Hey Nubar:


Yes, she was referring to this year, because more exactly, she said "I've already made several calls." We likely haven't heard about many of them because not all applicants and waitlisters post here unfortunately. Regarding the new system, this is in reference to the fact that they now have a primary and secondary list system versus the former "accepted/waitlisted/rejected" system which no longer is in use. She also told me that if I plan to be away to forward them a temporary phone number of address which also seems to me to suggest that there will be movement again very soon on the list!!!


I also imagine that the secondary waitlist will move again soon because I noted (from this website) that waitlisters still get about 10 days to decide and likely some will say no because they have already made other tentative or permanent plans elsewhere.


So, what will you do now if you get a call? Accept McGill begrudingly or McMaster begrudgingly?


Thanks for the number, 384; Now that I'm obsessing again, I'm tyring to figure out if there is a huge secondary list or just a wee one, or if the two lists were split 138 accepted/54 primary waitlist/192 secondary waitlist (or vice versa wit).


The secrecy behind the process is really what irks me...That said however, the admissions people have been really friendly and professional (in case any one of them are reading;) .


I just want to know when to give up? Hey JMH2005, is it really that common, to your knowledge, for people to be called well into August if not during O-week or is this just an aberration from last year only?

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Guest jeffbeene

How come every time I call, I get the automaton that only knows the 5 words "I can't comment on that"?


I asked if the secondary list was reached, and I got the famous 5 words. I might add that she seemed pretty understanding that it was a @#%$ situation, but still, the dissemination of information should be uniform, and not depend on who you get on the other end of the phone.



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Guest nubar89



In a perfect world, you would get the same answers as Macdaddyeh did, but like virtually every aspect of the admission process, there is a lot of variability. Maybe the weather was nicer when Macdaddyeh called... who knows.


What I am sure of is that McMaster is not as "tight lipped" about the stats and details as the other schools in Ontario are, so we are probably lucky to get the info that we do.




That is great news regarding the 2ndary list, but with my luck I am probably #192. Sorry about the pessimism, but the admissions process has left me a little jaded.


What will I do if I get a call? I would take the offer without any grudges and try to be the best med student that I can be at Mac. Although I have made a commitment to my supervisor at McGill, I have made it very clear that medicine is my ultimate goal so I think he would understand... but I don't want to get ahead of myself.

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Guest macdaddyeh

Hey Jeff and Nubar:


I didn't think I was asking a closed-lip question, so I simply asked the lovely lady if there was any movement on the secondary list. More specifically, I asked her if there was any hope fot the waitlisters hearing anything soon. She said yes, and elaborated a wee bit without being prodded further by myself. Again, I must reiterate that she did not damage the integrity of the process by divulging anything particular; just before hanging up I begged for numbers and position etc, but she didn't budge. Nonetheless, she was very pleasant and professional and kept the details very vague and simple.


The best news is that indeed the wait list moves, and I'll be sure to tell y'all if I personally hear anything as I'm sure you will as well. Maybe if and when we get in we can bug them as to why they were so darn secretive.

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Guest MDWannabe

Hey macdaddyeh and nubar:


To answer macdaddyeh's question to JMH (sorry if I'm taking liberties), The list can move all the way to Orientation week. The difference from the last 2 years, working against you, is that there won't be any NEW seats coming up in July and/or August, as they did when new government funding was approved in the Summer of 2001 and 2002. Notwithstanding this, the list can move even after the class is 'set', because there are inevitably some people who change their plans. I think one or two people in our year just didn't show up for O week and gave up their seats at the 11th hour.


As to why the people in the admissions office are so tight lipped, you have to give them a bit of a break. They are extremely harried this time of year (as you can well imagine) yet they seem to handle the amazing influx of calls with incredible grace. They are the front line, and in keeping with how all the medical schools seem to handle things, are told to remain silent about the process. Yet they are so nice, sometimes info leaks out. The problem is, when even a little information does trickle out, they seem to get MORE calls. This obviously makes their job harder.


I had thought last year that they could save themselves trouble by giving everyone their position on the wait list, and then by posting where they were at daily on the Net. This year I realize that in the noncompetitive environment that is McMaster, it would be inconsistent to give everyone their place on the waiting list. It would be a way for people to compare themselves after the fact, which is completely incompatible with the spirit of the programme. It certainly makes for a tougher time for those waiting on the list - no doubt.


Good luck to all you guys sitting there on the list...

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Guest macdreams

We heu!! It's moving :)


Though I'm not on it (I was waitlisted for an interview this year and, unfortunately, didn't get that call)... I WISH YOU ALL THE BEST!!


Keep on movin' on! :b



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Guest everyoneloveschem

Okay, so being on the secondary waitlist, and being pretty sure I am # 383/384 interviewed (just above the axe murdered, stuttering fool), I was wondering....If any of the oh-so-kind moderators from Mac could post when eventually the class for this fall is full. Ignoring the chance that there might be 1 or two totally last minutes spots given up, if you hear ANYTHING about the spots being filled, please post, to let us silent hopers down, so we can move on.


Thank you!!!

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Guest everyoneloveschem

Thanks folks..


So when I explained about the secondary (reject) waitlist to my family, they of course asked what my chances were, and i was like 'well...if 180 people die, get sars, choose other careers, etc, i might have a hope in hell'. I wasn't too surprised with my being secondary waitlisted, I felt like a moron after my interview. I got asked none of the normal questions (why med, why mac), instead they spent a long time dwelling on aspects of my autobiographical submission that I didn't feel were ultra relevant - at least from my perspective. Oh well! What can you do?

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Guest MDWannabe

Hi everybodyloves,


As I mentioned above, even after the class is purportedly filled, there can be vacancies as late as the first week, since some can inevitably change their plans. Unfortunately, there is no certain closure until then...

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Just wanted you to know that I spoke to the office today regarding an unrelated matter and the nice lady told me that the class is not yet filled :D

Considering that the last post in this thread was a week ago, seems like you guys aren't stressing. Good stuff...just thought you might relish the timbit (haa haa Freudian) I mean tidbit :lol .



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Guest jmh2005

I've been a bit out of the loop (trapped in an insanely busy Emergency Department!!!)...thanks to MD Wannabe for assisting with many answers on the board (so glad you joined up!)!!!!


I don't know anything about this year's list, I haven't even been in to the office to ask about anything, so I have nothing to offer the waitlisters, sorry.


The list does move and up until the end...just by looking at the web site for the class of 2006, it definately doesn't seem to be full. There was much movement in mid-end of July last year. The problem is, with each 'set' of offers, applicants have 10 days to respond, which increase wait time.


As always, I wish you all only the best.

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Guest nubar89



Thanks for the info. Don't let our lack of postings in this thread over the last week fool you, we are just in the withdrawal phase of recovery... I am doing a 12 step program myself. I just completed the first step... hi, my name is nubar and I am a Macaholic. :D :b :b :lol



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Guest jeffbeene



I get goose bumps every time I hear the long distance ring on my telephone. can I join your club? :)


BTW, is the phone the way they contact you, or do they just send the package in the mail?




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Guest nubar89



Yes, you can join our club; all you need is a sponsor, and remember, the first step is to admit that you have a problem.


I spoke to a lady at admissions today. She said that she has sent out offers to 2ndary waitlisters and is waiting to hear back from them. She also said that the class is not filled yet. The way it works is that she calls the person to give them an unofficial offer, and this is followed by an official offer in the mail.



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Guest everyoneloveschem

Ahhh, the waiting continues. So to further my belief that I am number 383, I was thinking...Secondary waitlisters have been called, but not me, so I really am down the list. I'm not that upset. I don't know what I would do if I got the phone call, probably have a meltdown. Sure I would be happy, but I'm one of those people who hates surprises, I like things planned (though I wouldn't turn down a phonecall:) ).


Good to see everyone maintaining hope.


Mac should have a quota of ezboard members it must take!!:rollin

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Guest macdaddyeh

Hi guys and gals:


Just my obsessive self checkin in with y'all again.


I called the lovely lady at admissions yesterday and she said she is still sending out secondary waitlisters acceptance letters. She said:


"In fact I just sent another one this morning and waitlisters should recognize that they could even get called up to and including the first day of class."


(paraphrased but good news nonetheless):)


In retrospect this year really was an aberration year in that it appears a record number of people applied but a record number of people declined/deferred offers. The waiting game continues......:\

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Guest nubar89



Wow, you must have a lot of charisma, because whenever I have spoken to the lady at admissions I was only able to get one-word answers out of her. In fact it seems like she only responds to 'yes' or 'no' questions. However she is always helpful, and it's good to have you as a member of the 2ndary waitlist team, because we can get these great little detailed updates every now and then.



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Guest mina1w3

Hey guys,

I am a little too hopeful, maybe it's too much. But, I am thinking about roughly half of the secondary waitlisters should have been accepted to other schools by now, thus they are eliminated:D

I am so happy that this year has been an exception, and many have declined the offers. I guess it kinda shows that they made some mistakes in their selection process and didn't choose the most enthusiastic applicants.

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Guest macdaddyeh

Hey Mina1w3:


I think you're right in that only a handful of people are left on the waitlist, but one is better than none......You never know.

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Guest everyoneloveschem

So it looks like UofO has filled up their class. I kind of wish Mac was done so I could get on with my life. I know that the chances of getting in now are slim to none, but that doesn't stop my silly little head from hoping, which doesn't help when you are trying to plan the year ahead. Ugh. Sure, it would be nice for more secondary waitlisters to get in, but will it really drag on until August???? The insanity!!


Okay, I just needed to rant. Anyone else feeling the same?

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Guest nubar89



I can sympathize with you. Although I realize that the chances are slim, I too am hoping to get a call or a letter from McMaster. Personally, I have gone on with my life, but I am ready to drop everything and move to Hamilton if I am offered a spot. Either way, it would be nice to know so that I can better focus myself for this upcoming year.


Though it may be a little unhealthy to obsess so much about medical school, I have realized how much I really want to get in. The way I see it, this desire will help me get into medical school eventually, no matter how many times I have to try. Also the experience of having a carrot dangled in front of my nose will probably drive me to do anything I can to improve my chances of getting admission in upcoming years. From this perspective, I believe that being put on the 2ndary waiting list will help me get into medical school in the future. This is my attempt at seeing the glass as half full.



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Guest mina1w3

Hello everyone,

Does anybody know how this process works. Do they call people on the 2ndary waiting list and then send them letters if their response over the phone is a yes, and then call more poeple after receiving written responses? I just can't understand why this is taking so long, cause they can just keep on calling people until enough of them accept their offer, and this shouldn't take until September.

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