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question about religious topics

Guest misagh

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Guest misagh

Good day everyone! Wishing u all best of luck on u'r McMaster questions...


Here's my question. I am very involved in my religious community (I'm a Baha'i). Many of my EC's and volunteer items relate to Baha'i events I've participated in. for some of my mcmaster questions, i've even incorporated some examples from Baha'i events I've helped organize, i've been a part of, etc. many of these events help me answer questions such as the one concerning my ability to learn in small groups, how i've been of benefit to others, etc.


has anyone else been active in their respective religious organizations and used these events in their applications successfully? i'm sure there are ppl out there that have, so i'm basically just fishing for some assurance :)


also, i'm starting to worry a bit... I have heard that many schools adopt a policy that there are certain things that cannot be talked about during interviews, ie. topics related to sex, race, and yes, religion. So, am I digging my own grave by putting in many references to my Baha'i activities? i assume these references will just be overlooked, and other aspects of my sketch brought up instead... is this true? any experiences?


Thanks in advance... i hope my posting made sense!

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Guest aneliz

I don't think that you are digging your own grave at all! I know one person in Mac's first year class that was extensively involved in Anglican youth activities, listed them on the application and used them in answering the Mac questions. At the interview, she was asked to elaborate on the activities....and was asked what impact her faith would have on her life as a physician. From what I understand, interviewers are not allowed to ask about religion unless YOU bring it up. By writing it in your application, you are bringing it up and 'self-disclosing'. Once you have done this, religion becomes fair game in the interview. Just make sure that you realise that you are doing this when you add it into your application. You cannot write it into your application and then protest and refuse to answer questions or discuss it at the interview. You might want to check with the schools to get official policy, as this is just what I have heard second hand. Good luck!

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