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how necessary is the internet for med students at mac?

Guest uwoheather

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Guest uwoheather

hi guys,


there are two of us med students living together, and is our best bet to get internet through cable so we can both use it at the same time? we will probably need it a lot, right?


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Guest Ian Wong

The internet is a huge boon to med students. Most of my classmates were online daily, from things as mundane as checking email and getting our class schedules, to downloading lecture handouts, searching for journal articles, browsing online textbooks like the Merck Manual for PBL, sharing Palm pilot programs, etc.


Don't go cheap on internet access. Get set up in some way so that you both have high-speed access. :)



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Guest jmh2005

DON'T GO CHEAP on the internet access! You will use it almost daily, now that all of Mac's e-journals are on line. During the units I probably spend 1-1.5 hours a night on line (excluding email and this site!!)...cable is the best in my opinion and if you split it, no worries!



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Guest macMDstudent

A good fast connection is essential in my opinion as well. You'll need it for the vast quantities of information to surf through on the proxy server connection to the medical library's full text collection of online journal and textbooks (as has been discussed before); but also for going onto LearnLink, our internal web-based bulletin board system of communication within the medical school. It is THE ONLY PLACE notices are posted about vital school information such as schedule information, class notes (usually PowerPoint presentations), meetings, special events, etc, etc. Your internet connection is your lifeline! You will soon be checking Learnlink daily to stay in touch with what's going on.

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Guest DrSahsi

The internet has become such an important (read: convenient, fast, authoritative) part of medical education and day-to-day practice that -- McMaster or otherwise -- you're going to spend more than your fair share of time looking stuff up online. You might as well get used to it bright and early.


I admit it. There's still a certain charm to burying yourself in the library amidst all the journals, but when your time starts to become increasingly limited, you'll appreciate having the information as far away as your keyboard.


- Rupinder

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