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Guest Dannyboy

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Guest Dannyboy

So DPT, you little trouble maker you. You have my friend all worried and in a tissy. I am not in the best frame of mind to help you out today (my grandma just passed away) but I will give your situation some thought in a few weeks (sorry). I won't forget about you, that is a guarantee.


Just briefly looking at the posts, I would have to very cautiously agree with Dr. NoManners (ouch....ummm hello that would be my psyche you just put in the blender...yeah). Not getting a letter this year must have been the epitome of frustrating and painful. But, that we can't change so let's work on the future.


I think Dr. NoManners had some good insight in what may have gone wrong: the interview. Perhaps you are shy? Just off of the top of my head, a friend of mine had weak public speaking and interview skills and he joined an organization that specializes in helping such people out: help me here...I think they were called the toasters (I REALLY need help here)...mastertoasters...maybe toastermasters.


Oh come on---does anyone know what I am trying to articulate?


The organization is free and it was tremendously helpful for my friend. He also found great advice in interview manuals. He built his confidence (that is the key I think) in incremental fashion--it was tough but I wish you could see him now! Move over Tonny Robbins...or is that Tim Robbins...


I'll get back to you. If it makes you feel any better I can share some rejection stories with you---that is sort of my specialty!

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Guest WesternGirl

I think they're called "Toastmasters"? I believe there was a debate/public speaking club by that name at Western a couple of years ago.

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Guest Dannyboy

Okay...so let me get this straight: I am attempting to provide DPT advice on how to impress people and I tell her/him to go inquire about an organization of really shy people who want to learn how to be effective public speakers and these really shy, self-conscious people happened to name themselves "master toasters"......right. Opps.


Thank you so much Western Girl for the save!!


DPT: perhaps I am not the best one to give advice here....I really had good intentions but.......

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