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Opinions on My Competitiveness

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4 hours ago, Basc72 said:

Hi there,

So, I'm a Canadian student from Ontario. I graduated last June with a Bachelor's of Arts and Science (BASc.) which allowed me to take a variety of science as well as arts and humanities classes including the pre-reqs for a broad spectrum of dental schools. My last three years cGPA is a 3.83 (using the OMSAS conversion) and looking at just my last two years it's a 3.98 (hoping the schools that look at three years will notice the upward trend).

I'm taking the Canadian DAT this Saturday and while obviously nothing is set in stone I'm expecting at minimum a 21's across the board based on my performance on the the 07/09 DATs, Bootcamp, Destroyer, etc.

Here's the catch. I'm only applying to like 4 schools this cycle: Saskatchewan, Toronto, Western, Dal.

If it doesn't work out this time around I'm strongly investigating applying to the dental research master's program at U of T because I think if I do even moderately well in that program I think it would set me up nicely to segway into a DDS afterwards.

Any thoughts on my chances?
For what it's worth, and I don't think it really matters for the above listed schools, but I have 100+ volunteer hours, 100+ shadowing hours, I was a varsity athlete through my undergrad, and I am co-author of a history paper that has received attention from a journal and is being edited to their specifications in preparation for publication.

One more thing -- how competitive is it exactly for say the Cork dental school in Ireland? If I had that masters would I be in good shape?

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this, and if this isn't the correct place to post this I'm really sorry!!!

Your two year GPA is really high, so it pretty much gives you an edge for UWO, USask and Dal. As for UofT, I think the average invited interview GPA was 3.85 but you may get an interview if you get a really high DAT score. Check the previous stats page for UofT to see if you can be competitive. 

Right now, I'd focus on the DAT. Don't look too much into the other stats just yet but just know the higher the DAT, the better your chances! Your ECs will make a difference for UWO but it seems you have a broad spectrum of activities so I wouldn't worry. Good luck!

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Hey Basc! your GPA is competitive and it will all come down to your DAT. To be honest, all the other stuff you listed like athletics and shadowing and volunteering wont mean much of anything in terms of admissions. So just wait and see what you get on the DAT and if you get a good score, you are well on your way! You will have interviews for sure in my opinion with a good DAT score. Why the masters though if you don't get in? solely because you will learn some dental things? because the masters itself wont help you at all in gaining admission in Canadian schools. 

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you definitely have a fair shot if you do well on the DAT. more than a fair shot i would say. The masters wouldnt improve your chances though. Some schools it might but for most, their criteria is pretty much laid out on their site and it consists of the DAT and GPA for the most part. But refer to individual school sites for details.

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