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Western Dent DAT changes for the 17-18 cycle

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Hey everyone, 

I understand that Western changed up how they look at DAT scores for this upcoming cycle: "Note: Effective the 2017-18 application cycle for entry in September 2018 all sections of the DAT test may be considered in the selection process with the exception of the Manual Dexterity section." 

My question is do they still look at ONLY RC pre interview and then the rest after the interview? or do they evaluate everything all together... 

Unfortunately im very weak in reading but I make up for it with my sciences: 23AA/25TS/20PAT but 18 RC :(. If they look at all sections, technically my AA is 96% so it's competitive? i don't even know. 

I appreciate your insight, and I'll be calling them tomorrow (will update this post as to what they say). 


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