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Tuition Increase

Guest macMDstudent

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Guest macMDstudent

It's true, our tuition is going up next year by 7% and will be $14,445 per year (plus mandatory fees of about $500). But what you may not know is Mac gives out more bursary money than any other med school in Ontario; an average of over $6,000 per award. Last year 373 students in the program got an award. That's almost everyone in the 3 years of the program. Keep in mind this money does NOT have to be paid back.


Also remember that Mac is only a three year program and is charging less per year than some 4 year programs in Ontario. So in the end, your total cost for tuition to get that MD is less at Mac than anywhere else. Total tuiton costs for U of T are projected to be $65,000 or so for the four year degree, whereas at Mac total tuition would "only" be $45,000. And you are one year younger when you're done!


So remember: most bursaries, least total tuition over the course of the program and shortest shortest time to earning potential as a working doctor. Those points are key to keep in mind and are just more benefits of Mac.

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