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I'm in first year at Western and we just finished anatomy last term. Honestly, I would say... Learning anatomy as a non-science student might be difficult. They cram a lot of material in four months (back, chest, upper and lower extremities) and they cover the bones, muscles, nerves and blood supply so if you aren't familiar with the terms, it might be a bit hard. I had a science background (neuro) and did the online UAlberta anatomy course beforehand... I still had to put in quite a bit of effort in going to the extra labs, making notes, looking at muscle groups/dissection videos online etc to get a good mark. However it's not impossible to do well if you put in the effort. In the end, anatomy isn't particularly tricky, it's just time consuming and requires you to keep building on the things you learn each week. It also doesn't hurt to read up a bit on anatomical terms before you start school in the fall. 

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