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PT at UofT vs McMaster '18

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Hey All,

If you received good news today, then congrats! If you weren't lucky this time, I wish you the best going forward. For those of you who are joining a PT program this year, I am curious to hear which one you would prefer and why. I am a recent Mac grad, so going to Mac definitely means there will be minimal adjustment required. Mac is also very community oriented, which made undergrad very pleasant. Then again, Hamilton is an acquired taste and I have always wanted to experience life in downtown Toronto.

More specifically, I am wondering how different the catchment areas of the two programs are? Could one go to Mac for PT and still easily land placements in Toronto? Will going to Mac put me at any sort of disadvantage in the short term (placements, skills learned, network established, etc.) or the long term (employment post-grad) compared to UofT?

Input from current students in these two programs as well as those starting in 2018 would be greatly appreciated.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Congrats on getting in! I am a current UofT PT student, and did my undergrad at Mac, so a very similar situation to you. I agree, Mac has a very student bubble type of campus, and I found that wonderful as a 17 year old undergrad, but I really wanted a change and I think it was definitely good for me to move to a bigger city/university. I'm not exactly sure how flexible the schools catchments are, but I haven't heard of any Mac/Queens students having placements downtown Toronto while I've been in the program. In my opinion, UofT has an incredible network of placement opportunities (ex Sickkids right across the road, Sunnybrook, etc), and if you are looking for a change, I would definitely recommend choosing UofT. That being said, I am definitely biased, and I know friends from undergrad who went to Mac and loved it. In terms of learning style, the 2 schools are markedly different so that should definitely weigh in as well. UofT is mostly in class lectures, labs, small groups, whereas I believe Mac is primarily small group/on your own learning. 

Let me know if you have any other questions!

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Congrats on getting in!  As a recent U of T grad I can say the program is great but way more didactic than what you will get at Mac.  If you are looking for placements in Toronto, then your best bet is U of T as there are really only 2 options to get a placement in Toronto as a student in another program.  Either a student from the U of T catchment has to request a placement in the Mac catchment for U of T to "trade" a spot with Mac.  Mac will also have access to whatever placements are left over in the Toronto catchment once all of the U of T placements have been placed.  One thing you can be sure of is either school will give you a great education 

I hope this helps!  Let me know if you have any other questions - feel free to email at info@physioexamacademy.com

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