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ginster's Achievements

  1. Im currently a PGY1 from a small surgical specialty (2-3 Residents /year) and would be interested in doing a "same-specialty" transfer within ontario to one school in particular for spousal reasons. Do you have any advice on if this is feasible assuming no one from my desired destination drops out? Have you ever heard of residents within a specialty swapping programs?
  2. Looking for advice, I was a primary author on a research project which was presented by someone other than myself at a conference. How should I relay this in my CV? I don't want to be misleading but don't want to sell myself short either... Currently i'm including it in "publications" as an "abstract" rather than in the "presentation" section. Thanks in advance
  3. Quelqu'un a essayé d'appeler le programme au lieu des admissions pour voir s'ils avaient des nouvelles?
  4. la liste d'attente est rendu a quel nombre l'année dernière pour universitaire?
  5. Hey guys, I'm a quebec resident studying at mcgill and will be completing my bachelor this may (3 years in anat & cell bio). I was rejected at mcgill and ontario schools this application cycle. I wanted to know what my chances would be at lower tier american schools because i noticed their gpa avgs were pretty low vs. mcgill? is it worth applying with that mcat score? thanks in advance! GPA: 3.91(consistent throughout the 3 years) MCAT:503 ECs: pretty normal stuff, hospital work with kids (1.5years), 1 semester of research, part time job as a lab tech (1.5 years), medlife trip abroad, soccer since i was kid, various other sports and some hs award.
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