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Recurring sinusitis and genetic information

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If a patient regularly presents with symptoms of either viral or bacterial sinusitis (say, twice per year or more), is there a circumstance or set of symptoms related in which case the patient's family/genetic history would be very useful to know in order to prevent serious complications or to provide adequate treatment for the sinusitis? Either to rule something out, or rule something in?


I can't think of any, but maybe (likely) someone here is more clever than me and can think of some?

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If a patient regularly presents with symptoms of either viral or bacterial sinusitis (say, twice per year or more), is there a circumstance or set of symptoms related in which case the patient's family/genetic history would be very useful to know in order to prevent serious complications or to provide adequate treatment for the sinusitis? Either to rule something out, or rule something in?


I can't think of any, but maybe (likely) someone here is more clever than me and can think of some?



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Is it definitely sinusitis? I have similar symptoms a few times a year - feels like really bad sinusitis, but it seems to be allergy related although really not sure.


I should add that absolutely nothing helps it! It takes a few days to disappear. Particularly bad when I go running. Runner's rhinitis or something similar?

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If a patient regularly presents with symptoms of either viral or bacterial sinusitis (say, twice per year or more), is there a circumstance or set of symptoms related in which case the patient's family/genetic history would be very useful to know in order to prevent serious complications or to provide adequate treatment for the sinusitis? Either to rule something out, or rule something in?


I can't think of any, but maybe (likely) someone here is more clever than me and can think of some?


or maybe... sanitary conditions

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