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Graduate Defense Date & Admission

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Hey all,

Im wondering if this issue is worth speaking to my Graduate supervisor and the Admissions commitee about. Some insights from graduate students who have matriculated to the MD program in prior years would be greatly appreciated.

As it stands, my defense is set for June 28. The final date to complete all graduate requirements for the MD program is June 30th. However, there is the real possibility that revisions will delay the day i actually complete my Thesis.

Am I in trouble here? I was thinking to re-schedule my defense a couple weeks earlier, which would give me time to address any revisions and finish my degree before June 30.

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I haven't gone through the process yet and I'm not sure how strict Calgary is, but if they want confirmation that you've completed your degree by June 30, that's too close. Even if you had no revisions to do, your school's graduate office needs some time to finalize the paperwork. I'd give yourself at least a week for revisions and for your supervisor to approve your thesis, and another week just for the paperwork turnaround. 

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I also haven’t had to go through this process, but I would not leave things up to chance. Move it up as much as possible, it would be very unfortunate to be denied admission or needing to defer for a year because of this. I’m not sure if they would be lenient in any way, but I highly doubt it...they seem to be pretty clear on that in the applicant manual.

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On 4/6/2018 at 4:42 AM, CLIC5A said:

Hey all,

Im wondering if this issue is worth speaking to my Graduate supervisor and the Admissions commitee about. Some insights from graduate students who have matriculated to the MD program in prior years would be greatly appreciated.

As it stands, my defense is set for June 28. The final date to complete all graduate requirements for the MD program is June 30th. However, there is the real possibility that revisions will delay the day i actually complete my Thesis.

Am I in trouble here? I was thinking to re-schedule my defense a couple weeks earlier, which would give me time to address any revisions and finish my degree before June 30.

As someone who went through this in Ontario with similar deadline, I would strongly advise against this. Perhaps if your defending masters, but even then I wouldn't recommend it. Speak to the necessary parties to move things up by a couple of weeks.

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It's likely that you can ask to be admitted to the Leaders in Medicine program. That will remove any anxiety on your part in terms of being well prepared for your defence. You will have better luck actually contacting the dean of admissions. If you have a compelling case, exceptions may also be made. You want to successfully defend and complete your graduate degree. Best of luck in all your endeavours. 

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On 07/04/2018 at 1:57 PM, PhD2MD said:

As someone who went through this in Ontario with similar deadline, I would strongly advise against this. Perhaps if your defending masters, but even then I wouldn't recommend it. Speak to the necessary parties to move things up by a couple of weeks.

Thank you. I put in a request to defend June 18th instead of June 28th. I hope the 10 days will give me enough time to submit my paperwork and revise.

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